T-u-r-b-o T-r-a-v-i-s m-a-k-e-s m-o-r-e power
THAN 1 of the “3 kings”
THE I D E A of the TH REE K I N G S is that they have a bunch of nut-swingers…it’s all a joke, nothing serious about their HP #'s
T-u-r-b-o T-r-a-v-i-s m-a-k-e-s m-o-r-e power
THAN 1 of the “3 kings”
THE I D E A of the TH REE K I N G S is that they have a bunch of nut-swingers…it’s all a joke, nothing serious about their HP #'s
hell yea thats what im talking about . as far as 3 kings the hp is the only reason for them to be 3 kings as far as i know.
I make more power then 2 of them, and built the car that makes the most, but that does not matter, I’m not one of the 3 kings, I’m a servant.
we are discussing 3 kings tee shirt designs now.:excited
I think the front shot should be the three of them standing next to each other, and the pic taken from the bottom, like looking up at them, and the Three Kings looking down on us.
imo i think the bigest hp cars should take the spot light at the end of video just a couple extra seconds of footage . even if we can get some of the local bad ass hotrods to play if they wanted .
theres a couple vids on youtube with shift in it already.
one with Crazyz50 (or w.e) vs jim p (or looks like him.)
has the shift name and logo before and after the vid
2 of the 3 “kings” dont have nut swingers imo lol
Ill try to whip up a quick video of my car this week and you can tell me if you like my work or not.
2 of the 3 do, no doubt.
Season just started young lad.
sound awsome
Ok, well sorry for tryin to keep something on topic, ill leave
no dont leave we need all the help we can its all of us were talking about if some dont want to help it just make us look weak .
All of this sounds like a good idea. How about a little feature of each car? Rundown of facts, then a walk around, then a driving video?
next saturday ill be in nj for a vw show/swap meet
ok well when ever then… im gonna do some filming this weekend…