Illegal alien? Come to NY and we'll give you a drivers license


Its always them vs us with you isn’t it? Just cause spitzer has some wacky outside the box idea you hate it because of his poitical affiliation. It may be risky but what the fuck is sitting there and doing nothing fix?


No, I actually really liked what Spitzer had done until this happened. Do a search, I’ve even applauded his efforts on this board.

But this is just a horrible idea that 3/4ths of the state doesn’t support, and even his good friend Michael Chertoff has critized.


The way things are going in Iraq both parties are probably going to be running on the “get out of there now” platform by 2008. Then what will the dems do?


ideally, nominate someone that was against it from the beginning. But probably nominate Hillary or Obama and lose the entire South, and get stuck with 4-8 more years of another douche that will cut domestic programs but still run up a deficit on foreign policy


Why do we want to track them?


because i am.



ideally, nominate someone that was against it from the beginning.


Do you honestly believe that? I mean, looking back at what we knew at the time of the vote to go to war you honestly think it the best candidate would be one who voted no? At the time the vote to go to war was a landslide because based on the evidence it was the right choice.

I would much rather support someone who says they voted yes, but knowing what they know now they would vote no. Someone who voted no when all the evidence said Iraq was a serious threat makes me think they would never vote for the use of force, which is a mistake.

mother fucking :word:


Do you honestly believe that? I mean, looking back at what we knew at the time of the vote to go to war you honestly think it the best candidate would be one who voted no? At the time the vote to go to war was a landslide because based on the evidence it was the right choice.

I would much rather support someone who says they voted yes, but knowing what they know now they would vote no. Someone who voted no when all the evidence said Iraq was a serious threat makes me think they would never vote for the use of force, which is a mistake.


Yes, I do. I was against the war from the beginning. The intel that he based the decision on was circumstancial, at best, most of the evidence suggested no WMD whatsoever, and most other countries disagreed with the decision, other than his lap dog Tony Blair. We need a uniter with the rest of the world to make up for the last 8 years of pissing them off. Unless we have proof that someone poses a credible threat TO US, fuck going to war. They may be killing off their own people but that’s not our problem. We don’t need to fund, and kill off our soldiers, to play world police.


Do you honestly believe that? I mean, looking back at what we knew at the time of the vote to go to war you honestly think it the best candidate would be one who voted no? At the time the vote to go to war was a landslide because based on the evidence it was the right choice.

I would much rather support someone who says they voted yes, but knowing what they know now they would vote no. Someone who voted no when all the evidence said Iraq was a serious threat makes me think they would never vote for the use of force, which is a mistake.


You bring up a good point about the war. I know Hilary voted yes and has hinted at going into Iran after the appropriate amount of sabre-rattling has been done - which is a mistake.

Regardless, there is no good candidate out there on either side so I really don’t think it matters who is in office.

Let me pose this question, would you vote for a candidate that didn’t believe in evolution?




?, you are also.

WTF, Dan. Make some goddamn sense!

I’m sick of the culture of fear that the current regime has cultivated. I don’t need to hear “Today’s threat level is: ORANGE” when I walk through airports. You can’t tell me that that serves any purpose but trying to keep people afraid so that we support unconstitutional bullshit like the Patriot Act.

Give me a candidate who says “Iran’s making noise about starting a nuclear program? Good, we need more countries to invest in clean power. They could make bomb? How cute. We figured that out 70 years ago. Back to business at home…”

I don’t care about Iran. I am not afraid of terrorism. I do not trust the Bush administration.


?, you are also.


Why do we want to track illegal immigrants?


Let me pose this question, would you vote for a candidate that didn’t believe in evolution?


Depends on their stance on other issues. It would certainly go in my negatives column, much the same way Bush’s abortion and stem cell views went in my negative column.

Taxes and the economy are my big issues.

one thing i want to know is, for us to get a license we need what our social security card, birth certificate and another i.d. or something? what will the illegal immigrants have to prove who they are? All of there paper work would be foreign mexican stuff, if they have anything. what would prove that it was real? what happens if a hispanic law breaker decides to get one of these i.d.'s im sure it wouldnt be that difficult to have a real american false i.d.

They would say NOT VALID PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP all over them, its not like theyd be on par with a normal driver’s license.

^ You mean a passport from a country that barely has electricity or running water might not be a real guarantee that someone is who they say they are? No way. A passport from some country who’s name changes with each coop is just as good as a US passport.


They would say NOT VALID PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP all over them, its not like theyd be on par with a normal driver’s license.


So are you finally going on record saying you support giving illegal aliens drivers licenses in NY? You were mysteriously absent from the other multi-page thread about this topic, even when I asked for the the gung ho democrat people to weigh in.


What is your side? spend the $$ to kick them out… that works.


shoot them, and then you and your cousin for not getting this fucking car out of my garage.

no, i wouldnt shoot you or your cousin

at least no until this car leaves…


They would say NOT VALID PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP all over them, its not like theyd be on par with a normal driver’s license.


OK. So they wouldn’t be proof of anything because they’re so easy to fake.

I’ve patiently endured all the illogical arguments that don’t hold water in support of this for 3 pages.





I did on page one. Spitzer has ambition beyond NY and thinks this will win him points with the minority/liberal vote. It has nothing to do with making money, or making NY more secure because it will do the opposite on both fronts.

The funny part is that it blew up on him because Chertoff said no fucking way was NY getting a secure license with Spitzer’s original plan. Now the immigrant rights people are pissed because they don’t like the idea of a license that says illegals are illegals (the new 3 teir plan). Conservatives still hate the plan because we don’t think illegal aliens should get any rights. So now pretty much no one but Dan, Joe and Rob support this plan. :lol:

Sadly that’s the only argument that makes any sense at all, unless somebody can give me the knowledge I’m lacking?