Illegal alien? Come to NY and we'll give you a drivers license


See my edit. I didn’t see your question until I had already posted.


i understand your plan… but it will not HAPPEN. this is a way to make $$ off of them. I do not think it is to give them any rights…

You don’t think that running the Department of Illegal Alien Identification will cost more than $100/alien who does this per year?

This is such a terrible idea. You’re not making any money. You’re creating security loopholes. You’re establishing precedent for giving rights to illegal aliens. You’re establishing precedent for states to be disregarding federal laws.


You don’t think that running the Department of Illegal Alien Identification will cost more than $100/alien who does this per year?

This is such a terrible idea. You’re not making any money. You’re creating security loopholes. You’re establishing precedent for giving rights to illegal aliens. You’re establishing precedent for states to be disregarding federal laws.


well… john wayne, why dont you get on your horse and round them all up.

making money> not making money

Ok, Im keeping my 12 ga in my car, If I get hit by an illegal with no licsense or insurance, he has no rights in this country, therefore no one will miss him when I put a deer slug in his chest.

Who wants to go on a vigilante rampage?


well… john wayne, why dont you get on your horse and round them all up.

making money> not making money


Its going to cost far more to provide the manpower and everyhting else to keep track of them then then we will ever take in. Unless we use the services arleady in force

ehh fuck it just kill them

Trap door in the DMV into a pungee pit with a large disposal


making money> not making money


I agree, but


You don’t think that running the Department of Illegal Alien Identification will cost more than $100/alien who does this per year?



It’s going to cost you MUCH more than you will ever make in DMV fees.

And why say proper enforcement won’t happen? When they tried to push through an amnesty plan in congress it got shot down so there are definitely people who aren’t ready to simply accept that there is nothing to be done about illegals.

This will become a huge issue of the 2008 elections, and it’s one where my party (minus Bush who obviously isn’t running) is on the side of the vast majority. Watch for this to be the one issue that could really cost the Dems a lot of the momentum they have right now.

The only way I can see this being a good program is if it’s actually a ploy by Spitzer to get a bunch of illegals to show up for their license, at which point they are immediately deported. :rofl: That’d be awesome.

^^^ that would be the ultimate fuck you

The Spitzer license plan came up in the Democratic debate last night and Hillary tried to skate around answering it. If you think the heat is getting turned up when it’s dem on dem, wait until the primary is over and it’s democrat vs republican. Who ever ends up the democratic nominee is going to have to answer the question eventually, and if the answer is any form of amnesty the majority of america isn’t going to be happy.

But somehow I think Spitzer isn’t being dumb like a fox so much as just dumb with this plan. :frowning:


The only way I can see this being a good program is if it’s actually a ploy by Spitzer to get a bunch of illegals to show up for their license, at which point they are immediately deported. :rofl: That’d be awesome.


right. if you know where they live you can… TRACK them.

This is the one issue that insures a repub victoryin 08

see sig


Who ever ends up the democratic nominee is going to have to answer the question eventually, and if the answer is any form of amnesty the majority of america isn’t going to be happy.


:lol: OMFG how awesome would that be if New York, the state that that carpet bagging bitch is trying to use as a stepping stone to the presidency, ultimately becomes what costs her the election?! :rofl: :clap:


right. if you know where they live you can… TRACK them.


Why do we want to track them?


This is the one issue that insures a repub victoryin 08

see sig


as opposed to every other issue where the public is on the democratic side. iraq > drivers licenses for immigrants.

Now if only the party would stop being fucking morons and nominate bill richardson, we’d be unbeatable

Iraq is far away from home

Illegals are right here in your town stealing your shit

Take a look at how people will view it.


Iraq is far away from home

Illegals are right here in your town stealing your shit

Take a look at how people will view it.


illegals arent stealing any of my shit :gotme:
If you want to see stealing my money, go to

The way things are going in Iraq both parties are probably going to be running on the “get out of there now” platform by 2008. Then what will the dems do?


The way things are going in Iraq both parties are probably going to be running on the “get out of there now” platform by 2008. Then what will the dems do?


Its always them vs us with you isn’t it? Just cause spitzer has some wacky outside the box idea you hate it because of his poitical affiliation. It may be risky but what the fuck is sitting there and doing nothing fix?