Illegal alien? Come to NY and we'll give you a drivers license

Are we still talking about this? :deadhorse:

Immigration is one of the few things that is best addressed on the supply side, in this case with jobs. You don’t try to kill every bug in the world to keep your house clean, you just avoid leaving shit on the ground and letting it get dirty to attract them. If we cut off the supply of jobs/food, they stop coming in our house.

There are people becoming millionaires off drugs, tax evasion, organized crime and lots of other illegal activities. Should we just ignore those too because millionaires are a good thing?


Immigration is one of the few things that is best addressed on the supply side, in this case with jobs. You don’t try to kill every bug in the world to keep your house clean, you just avoid leaving shit on the ground and letting it get dirty to attract them. If we cut off the supply of jobs/food, they stop coming in our house.


Exactly. But you also don’t leave you doors and windows wide open, hence my two pronged approach suggestion. It would actually be three.

  1. Close your doors and windows, or at least get screens. (aka, secure our border)
  2. If you see an ant in the middle of your kitchen floor, don’t just leave it there. (aka, deport the easy to find illegals)
  3. Pick up the food the bugs are coming for. (aka, start heavily fining any company found employing illegals. Pass laws to make it easier to do the checks to find if they are hiring illegals)

It’s really not that hard and if the Spitzer license plan showed anything it’s that this will be a major issue of the 08 elections.


if anything, you need more illegals… not less… you just need them to be insured, among other things.


Yes, we need more law breakers!:bloated:

i hate Career politicians



There are people becoming millionaires off drugs, tax evasion, organized crime and lots of other illegal activities. Should we just ignore those too because millionaires are a good thing?


it is being ignored.

Some of the wealthiest familes in America were borne out of drugs and alcohol.

Tax evasion and tax avoidance are fundamentally the same depsite one being illegal and one being legit. One has better accountants and lawyers than the other… that is the only difference.

Politics is organized crime.

you present no convincing arguements, just emotion.

And you present no logic, just conspiracy, so I guess we’re at an impass.

no logic?

i’m a certified management accountant and i can tell you that tax avoidance is essentially legalised tax evasion. The only difference is how you structure it and how good your accountants and lawyers are.

you say tax evasion is wrong but the process of avoiding tax is WRITTEN INTO US GAAP…

oh, and you cant use tax avoidance because your lawyers and accoutants are not good enough… those kinds of accountants and lawyers cost alot… only super rich and affluent people have access to legal tax evasion.

If you watch the lecture series of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet you will hear Warren discuss the atrocities of Western Tax Law. He admits to paying as little tax as a man earning less than 0.005% of his annual earnings and asks how people can let that happen.

WTF does legal, or even gray area tax avoidance have to do with this? I listed ILLEGAL activities and you want to turn this into a tax law discussion.

This doesn’t really suprise me considering your position on illegal alien drivers licenses though. Yet again you’ve shown you don’t know the difference between legal and illegal.

I thought that tax avoidance referred to finding loopholes in the law. You seem to be suggesting that it is a practice recognized by the FASB?

yeah i dont know how we got this far off topic…

tax strategies are common practice, tax avoidance is the term given to structured accounting stratagies that minimize taxes payable. Evasion is not paying taxes.

i dont really care about illegals, doesnt affect me, i just oppose the logic that gradualising illegals into the mainstream is a bad idea. And deporting them is not an option, its a fallacy.

it is all about the votes that is why people in goverment are pushing this. all they need is a drivers licence to vote therefore they are making it easier for more people to vote for that polition.


i dont really care about illegals, doesnt affect me,

