Illegal alien? Come to NY and we'll give you a drivers license


This isn’t a human rights issue. Fucking cause-heads. Nuke the whales!



I will go on a rampage if some illegal motherfucker hits me with a licsense and no insurance

this is not the last of this. But do not get me wrong, i do not like illegal aliens.

i cant wait to take advantage of this…

you’re all going to pay.

on the real though… i dont see how you can finid this a bad idea.

the people are already here, they are already driving without insurance. A significant portion of them will jump at the opportunity to have real licenses and insurance… Not all immigrants are sloths. Some of them want to be real humans.


read post # 134.


hehe, ok, I second to #134 :lolham:


i dont see how you can finid this a bad idea.

the people are already here, they are already driving without insurance. A significant portion of them will jump at the opportunity to have real licenses and insurance


Maybe I just haven’t found it, but when was insurance part of the plan?

you cant get insurance without a valid drivers license. dont you think alot of these people want to own nice shit and not have to worry about some other immi hitting them?

there are a variety of reasons for it, all of them good. Wasn’t cali thinking of doing the same shit too?

it’s silly to oppose it. The illegals are NOT going anywhere… they are going to contineu to flood your country, buy cars, drive illegally, hit people, fuck those people etc.

not passing this law will not solve any problems, the same problems will continue to occur. Therefore, not doing it serves no benefit unless you can find a way to deport 30,000,000 illegals all of a sudden.

Driving is just one point of interest.

It’s exactly like gun control up here in Canada.

Some people are like… no we dont want gun control all it does is criminalised gun ownership while not getting rid of illegal guns because they wont be registered anyways. What spitzer is suggesting is equivalent to getting illegal guns registered so that you can catalogue them at the very least.

not gradualizing these people into US culture does nothing for anyone.

Can anybody find a link to his actual plan? All I can find out about the plan is news articles that very vaguely mention what he was planning and then comment on how everyone hates it.

Can private insurance companies legally insure illegal immigrants?

One MAJOR problem with your plan Bing. The majority of insurance companies came out and said they would not issue a policy without an SSN. And those that would were going to charge very high rates because rates are based on credit score now. No SSN, no credit score.

So your illegals are still driving without insurance and fucking people over when they crash into them, but now you’ve given someone who is here illegally a valid ID for no reason.

I agree, they need to be brought out of the shadows. But brought out and deported, not brought out and given more rights.

I want to kick them in the face before we deport them


One MAJOR problem with your plan Bing. The majority of insurance companies came out and said they would not issue a policy without an SSN. And those that would were going to charge very high rates because rates are based on credit score now. No SSN, no credit score.

So your illegals are still driving without insurance and fucking people over when they crash into them, but now you’ve given someone who is here illegally a valid ID for no reason.

I agree, they need to be brought out of the shadows. But brought out and deported, not brought out and given more rights.


i dont have a SSN and geico and progressive will both insure me.

have be a valid citizen of somewhere though. Either way, i am sure you are right that it is a problem, but not a MAJOR one. It also makes perfect sense that an insco. would want to cherry pick and charge more off the bat and let their actuaries go to work.

regardless, you guys are coming at this from a very feminine perspective.

Stop being so emotional about it. You’re letting your judgement be clouded by “OMG ILLEGALS!!! THAT IS BAD”

Yeah it is, but tough luck, they’re already here and whether or not it is bad is irrelevant. More importantly, you cannot deport them all. So any negatively is counter productive.

It’s a shame that people in general are soo stupid that they fail to realise this. Everyone who is opposed to this concept (not this specific idea but the general gradualization of illegals into US society) fails to realise that there is no other alternative.

Either you do nothing and continue on as it is, a method that is obviously flawed, or you try and keep track the of the fuckers. Everything else is not possible.

I think it’s sad you’re so ignorant that you honestly believe there is nothing that can be done about the illegals that are here. If this country got serious about immigration, and it may very well do that in 08 when this becomes an election issue, it would not be that hard to secure our border. Especially our Mexican border where the majority of illegals are coming from.

As for not being able to get the ones out that are already here, that’s BS as well. Take a two pronged attack. First, you pick up the easy to find ones. When you’re down south and on any given day you can drive by home depot and load up 10 illegals in your pickup you can’t tell me customs couldn’t catch these people. Second, you go after the places that are hiring them. Start spot checking worker W2 forms, especially in industries where illegal workers are common, and when you find people working without a W2 hit the company with a massive fine and deport the workers. Very quickly companies will stop hiring illegals which stops the draw for them to come here.

Sure, people would have to pay more for fruit, and lawn mowing services because the workers in that industry would no longer be undocumented and working for much less than minimum wage. Oh well, not everyone gets to afford everything they want. On the flip side though now all these workers are paying taxes, something the under the counter paid illegal does not.

Finally, in response to you getting insurance here without an SSN, you’re Canadian and when you’re in the US you’re here legally. There’s a big difference there between you and an illegal alien. It also doesn’t change the fact that the insurance companies were asked about this plan while people were fighting it and most agreed they wouldn’t issue a policy. And those that would were going to charge more than 99% of illegals could afford.

Here is another beauty by The Rat (Spitzer)…

Another great idea shot down.
Maybe I will call him The Retarded Rat instead of just The Rat.

Here’s my plan:

Take everyone on welfare who could be working, deport them, give their SSN to illegals who are just here to work for a better life. :tup:

So Spitzer’s trying to get less popular by letting us buy shit online without paying taxes?


So Spitzer’s trying to get less popular by letting us buy shit online without paying taxes?


I don’t think so, he just realized how retarded it was to try and collect taxes from these companies/people.
I mean think about, he wanted people in other states to collect his taxes!!!
I am sorry but this guy is a greedy, retarded, rat.

We already knew he was a politician.


I mean think about, he wanted people in other states to collect his taxes!!!


Yeah, that’s just unthinkable. Oh wait, mail order companies have had to do this for years.

I don’t want to see sales tax on online purchases either because I buy a lot of stuff online. But really, why should ordering a hard drive from Newegg in CA and having it shipped to NY be any different than ordering something from the JCPenny catalog and having it shipped to NY. One you pay tax on, one you don’t.


I think it’s sad you’re so ignorant that you honestly believe there is nothing that can be done about the illegals that are here. If this country got serious about immigration, and it may very well do that in 08 when this becomes an election issue, it would not be that hard to secure our border. Especially our Mexican border where the majority of illegals are coming from.

As for not being able to get the ones out that are already here, that’s BS as well. Take a two pronged attack. First, you pick up the easy to find ones. When you’re down south and on any given day you can drive by home depot and load up 10 illegals in your pickup you can’t tell me customs couldn’t catch these people. Second, you go after the places that are hiring them. Start spot checking worker W2 forms, especially in industries where illegal workers are common, and when you find people working without a W2 hit the company with a massive fine and deport the workers. Very quickly companies will stop hiring illegals which stops the draw for them to come here.

Sure, people would have to pay more for fruit, and lawn mowing services because the workers in that industry would no longer be undocumented and working for much less than minimum wage. Oh well, not everyone gets to afford everything they want. On the flip side though now all these workers are paying taxes, something the under the counter paid illegal does not.

Finally, in response to you getting insurance here without an SSN, you’re Canadian and when you’re in the US you’re here legally. There’s a big difference there between you and an illegal alien. It also doesn’t change the fact that the insurance companies were asked about this plan while people were fighting it and most agreed they wouldn’t issue a policy. And those that would were going to charge more than 99% of illegals could afford.


buddy, relax…

your government doesnt give a shit about social issues and will never fight illegal immigrants.

You just walked right into what i described.

“but if we do this and this then we can get the illegals out”

stop being such a woman. It WILL NOT HAPPEN

just like your boys are never coming abck from iraq, you’ll never find Bin Laden, there IS NO WAR on drugs, no war on terror etc. etc.

politicians dont get re-elected by fixing problems. They get re-elected by making you think they are going to fix the problems but instead of doing that they line their pockets from corproate favours.

If they cant shut drugs out of the country coming up from columbia they sure as shit cant stop people from coming up. And since you cant track where, who and exactly how many illegals there are… good luck getting them all out.

Drugs, illegals, fear of terrorism are all funadmental utensils of government. Their is profit to be made directly or indirectly off of them.

So stop letting how you feel about it get in the way of your opinion. It simply does not matter how you feel about it and it doesnt not matter whether illegals are good or bad or should be deported or not.

No one has control over it, and therefore the subject is irrelevant.

All that matters is; what do we do with the illegals that are in teh country now? how do you motivate them to participate in programs that allow them to be tracked?

this idea is a move in that direction, maybe not necessarily the best one, but at least it is possible to do. Deporting 30,000,000+ people… just shut up about that… it’ll take more than a 2 step approach…lol

All I hear, as usual from you, is “blah blah blah conspiracy theory blah blah blah”.

You wouldn’t have to deport 30 million if you take away the jobs they’re working at. Cut off what is drawing them here and they’ll have to leave.


Yeah, that’s just unthinkable. Oh wait, mail order companies have had to do this for years.

I don’t want to see sales tax on online purchases either because I buy a lot of stuff online. But really, why should ordering a hard drive from Newegg in CA and having it shipped to NY be any different than ordering something from the JCPenny catalog and having it shipped to NY. One you pay tax on, one you don’t.



Not the companies I order from.
I believe they only charge you if they have a store in your state.

hahah… do you realise how many businesses are based on the labour from illegals?

illegal aliens are making many american millionaires. You will have all of those millionaires fighting to keep them here.

the only jobs they are taking away is bottom feeder jobs.

your post was a joke dude, drive around to home depot and just pick them up in your truck and take them across the broder eh… good luck with that.

if anything, you need more illegals… not less… you just need them to be insured, among other things.