Remote Starters

Most Hondas '98 & up have a transponder in the key. There are several ways to bypass it, but the best way is with a vehicle-specific bypass module. They interface with the car’s system & usually cause no ill-effects on the factory system (on newer Honda’s it interfaces via the Can Bus system, so there are no mods to the car’s electrical system other than simple Acc, Crank, Ign, Ign2 connections). If something goes wrong, the remote starter just wont work. The car will still start/run just fine and not leave you stranded.

You can interface by cutting the car’s original security wires, but it can/will cause troubles in the future & may leave you stranded. I don’t suggest you do this. It’ll be cheaper, but you’ll pay in the end.

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That’s because you use DEI products. They are not the most stable when it comes to data bus communication. Try They work great. I’ve been using them for many years and have never had a problem.