Illegal alien? Come to NY and we'll give you a drivers license


I think it’s sad you’re so ignorant that you honestly believe there is nothing that can be done about the illegals that are here. If this country got serious about immigration, and it may very well do that in 08 when this becomes an election issue, it would not be that hard to secure our border. Especially our Mexican border where the majority of illegals are coming from.

As for not being able to get the ones out that are already here, that’s BS as well. Take a two pronged attack. First, you pick up the easy to find ones. When you’re down south and on any given day you can drive by home depot and load up 10 illegals in your pickup you can’t tell me customs couldn’t catch these people. Second, you go after the places that are hiring them. Start spot checking worker W2 forms, especially in industries where illegal workers are common, and when you find people working without a W2 hit the company with a massive fine and deport the workers. Very quickly companies will stop hiring illegals which stops the draw for them to come here.

Sure, people would have to pay more for fruit, and lawn mowing services because the workers in that industry would no longer be undocumented and working for much less than minimum wage. Oh well, not everyone gets to afford everything they want. On the flip side though now all these workers are paying taxes, something the under the counter paid illegal does not.

Finally, in response to you getting insurance here without an SSN, you’re Canadian and when you’re in the US you’re here legally. There’s a big difference there between you and an illegal alien. It also doesn’t change the fact that the insurance companies were asked about this plan while people were fighting it and most agreed they wouldn’t issue a policy. And those that would were going to charge more than 99% of illegals could afford.


buddy, relax…

your government doesnt give a shit about social issues and will never fight illegal immigrants.

You just walked right into what i described.

“but if we do this and this then we can get the illegals out”

stop being such a woman. It WILL NOT HAPPEN

just like your boys are never coming abck from iraq, you’ll never find Bin Laden, there IS NO WAR on drugs, no war on terror etc. etc.

politicians dont get re-elected by fixing problems. They get re-elected by making you think they are going to fix the problems but instead of doing that they line their pockets from corproate favours.

If they cant shut drugs out of the country coming up from columbia they sure as shit cant stop people from coming up. And since you cant track where, who and exactly how many illegals there are… good luck getting them all out.

Drugs, illegals, fear of terrorism are all funadmental utensils of government. Their is profit to be made directly or indirectly off of them.

So stop letting how you feel about it get in the way of your opinion. It simply does not matter how you feel about it and it doesnt not matter whether illegals are good or bad or should be deported or not.

No one has control over it, and therefore the subject is irrelevant.

All that matters is; what do we do with the illegals that are in teh country now? how do you motivate them to participate in programs that allow them to be tracked?

this idea is a move in that direction, maybe not necessarily the best one, but at least it is possible to do. Deporting 30,000,000+ people… just shut up about that… it’ll take more than a 2 step approach…lol