Illegal Immigrants

I’m all for the word Illegal meaning something.

Thats like the letter on got in the mail from 4 years ago, about a ticket that slipped through the cracks of the system for a 12 MPH over speeding ticket. It said that I was guilty, and my license will be suspended. I don’t even remember the ticket… but, I know it happened, and that I did it.

I got caught, I did it 4 years ago. Even though I haven’t been pulled over for 3 years, I still did it, and still have to face the consequences, because it was ILLEGAL.

So, I’m gonna have to go to court, face my penalty and live with it. That’s how life goes. My license was nice and clean, and now… it may not be.

Now, that is just a speeding ticket. It doesn’t mess up my life too much. I understand the “boo hoo” story of these illegals, because… they’ve made an entire LIFE here based on their illegal actions. Being an Illegal Immigrant, sneaking into the country, and them thinking “Oh, its ok now” is rediculous! I don’t care if they have jobs, familes, or anything. The fact is, the reason they have that job is because they did something illegal. Their families, well… they messed up. Face the facts. There are consequences. They need to be dealt with accordingly. Kick them back to their countries! I’m not just talking about Mexicans, I’m talking all of em from wherever they come from. I like to think of the bumper sticker “Shit Happens”

Well, the shit just hit the fan. Now they’re panicking. Ready…



I know, its a shame… they have lives, families, and everything… but, if you do something wrong, you should pay the consequences.