Illegal Immigrants

I like authentic mexican food and everything but i have no sympathy for border jumpers

oh and its Statute of Limitation meaning its a law not something made out of cement with a broken off penis :stuck_out_tongue:

The main problem with these illegals is that they come here, work for like, 6 years, make like 25K a year, leech off of us while they are here, pay no tax, no nothing. Go back to mexico and live like kings for the rest of their lives.

link to facts?

We should make bio-diesel out of illegal immigrants and take care of two problems at once.

I dont have a link - i saw stuff on cnn.

what show/date/time?

Not acceptable, we need internet proof.

I love it when Joe pretends this is court and he is a lawyer.
It is fun.:smiley:

howies right. my uncle, who was a 1st generation child of a legally immigrated hispanic family, worked/struggled to live in nyc for so many years. he and his wife saved up only 20K, moved his entire family to ecuador and now lives in a mansion with servants and is relatively high up in their government (i went to visit 5 years ago). if he ever came back to the states he would most likely be on welfare.

i dont think what my uncle did was wrong but there are illegals that are doing (or at least did, when the dollar was worth something) the same thing.

Usually when you have a debate you make statements that you can back up…I can understand you not following that concept though, being a republican and all.

I’m sure the government job has something to do with that…Since the offical currency of Ecuador is the US dollar (since 00) and the cost of living in terms of housing is pretty much the same as say buffalo (slightly lower). For example, a small condo in a moderate city is going to run you about $100K. Sure the cost of living is lower, but not to the point where 10K/yr is living large. The cost of living used to be crazy low before the country dollarized in 2000.

actually no, he bought the house and moved there all without having a job. the governmental job, which is equivalent to mayor of a small town in the states, didnt come until later. although when i visited the currency was the Sucre and the dollar went a loooong way. :shrug:

regardless, the point of the story was that howies scenario was valid.

Well if they stopped letting people in altogether that would be great. I wouldn’t have met my first wife!! lol

If this was done before 2000 yes, the US dollar was very strong…in the mid 90s maybe even strong enough to be used at 5-8 times it’s US worth. Now however with the country’s adoption of the USD as the offical currency of Ecuador, you can’t buy a mansion @ $20K. This idea that the US is creating millions of “people living like kings” in other countries just isn’t true. There may be an instance here or there, but it’s not like there’s a revolving door of 11 million migrant workers staying for a few years then retiring to super wealth in mexico. You still need to be rich to be rich pretty much anywhere in the world. Those that live in absolute luxury in Mexico, etc…aren’t exactly pulling in US min. wage.

The US Federal Government actually makes out quite well on illegal immigrants, since a good number of them end up paying into SS without ever being able to draw from it. States, esp the state school systems, get hit the hardest by illegal immigrants since few are paying state taxes.

Also the original topic of this thread is based on nothing I’ve seen as far as any seriously considered legislature proposed by either party in washington. The closest thing to it would be the bill that McCain and Kennedy originally put up, but that included big fines and GOING TO THE BACK OF THE LINE.

I’d still like to know what show on CNN was talking about illegal immigrants leeching of the US and moving back to mexico, the transcript would be an interesting read.

I know it is not as bad as the west coast but, I know of two companies right in the Springville area that have been busted recently and there was a construction company working in East Aurora that got busted too.
They are spreading through out the whole country and that is why it needs to stop now.

Start sending the employers to jail. That’ll stop the hiring of illegal immigrants real fucking quick.

Fun Fact - According to the SSA, contributions to Social Security by invalid (fake) SSNs (aka illegal immigrants) are 7 BILLION a year.


…and that means something being a boater myself. :wink:


OMFG this is getting retarded. The immigrants are refusing to work today and are protesting…we got enough lazy asses in this country…I say kick em out. There are plenty of other poeple waiting to get in and make a life for themselves.

couldnt of said it better myself

lol it’d be great if they had a parade/picket or some shit and the INS raided it :lol:


honestly… I think they should make it bare minimum of 6 months in jail and a 500,000.00 fine FOR EACH COUNT to any company owner caught employing an illegal immigrant.

once they start cracking down on it… I’d bet that you’d see not only people trying to sneak in, decline… but also the amout of illegals here. (who wants to go thru all that BS if you cant even get a job?)

I’m all for the word Illegal meaning something.

Thats like the letter on got in the mail from 4 years ago, about a ticket that slipped through the cracks of the system for a 12 MPH over speeding ticket. It said that I was guilty, and my license will be suspended. I don’t even remember the ticket… but, I know it happened, and that I did it.

I got caught, I did it 4 years ago. Even though I haven’t been pulled over for 3 years, I still did it, and still have to face the consequences, because it was ILLEGAL.

So, I’m gonna have to go to court, face my penalty and live with it. That’s how life goes. My license was nice and clean, and now… it may not be.

Now, that is just a speeding ticket. It doesn’t mess up my life too much. I understand the “boo hoo” story of these illegals, because… they’ve made an entire LIFE here based on their illegal actions. Being an Illegal Immigrant, sneaking into the country, and them thinking “Oh, its ok now” is rediculous! I don’t care if they have jobs, familes, or anything. The fact is, the reason they have that job is because they did something illegal. Their families, well… they messed up. Face the facts. There are consequences. They need to be dealt with accordingly. Kick them back to their countries! I’m not just talking about Mexicans, I’m talking all of em from wherever they come from. I like to think of the bumper sticker “Shit Happens”

Well, the shit just hit the fan. Now they’re panicking. Ready…



I know, its a shame… they have lives, families, and everything… but, if you do something wrong, you should pay the consequences.

I worked at a warehouse in Long Island hauling around bakery supplies all summer and beleive me, this guy is absolutely correct. Now i dont know if these guys were legal or not. But they live in dumhole apartments, they work two jobs, one during the day, then warehouse work at night, and they dont speak any english. They do this for many years and they send their families lots of money. Some of them end up making enough money to bring their families here, but most just go back home after a while and live well with the money they’ve made. I dont really mind it. These guys are some of the lonliest people ive ever seen. They do it for their families and its respectable. I mean there are people on unemployment who could probably use thier job to make some cash, but most of em are too lazy to get off their asses and do anything about it.