illegal immigration protest pic

I thought this was funny and needed to be shared.

Its funny, but I don’t think it helps his case at all.
The 16 year old white kids at Mighty make my burrito just fine.



I was flipping channels the night of the big protest and CNN was reading emails. The best one was:

“Was I affected, yes. It was great. I could actually understand the person at the checkout today”.

Then the pole showed something like 95% weren’t affected at all.

Illegals HAVE no rights. sorry to tell you. /debate


i’m trying so hard now to earn my LEGAL permanent residentship…

there’s no easy way…

it’s just that now the States will love me to use my B.S. and prospective M.S. in Comp. Eng. degree to build America…

ILLEGALS. Not fucking Legal Immigrants or people here with legitimate, leagal reasons. I have nothing against ANYONE except for fucking sneaky, dirty fence hopping, river wading scumbag illegal immigrants.

Haha. That is pretty funny.

Im pretty sure theres still gonna be a Taco Bell around
