Since today seems to be random crime day....

How fucked up is this story?

Yay to illegal immigration.

Probably over ten bucks or a cart of groceries. We have had illegal immigrants in this area for many years now.

Oh no… we need to cater to illegal immigrants, just like they do in other countries. If they’re not supposed to be here, then they shouldn’t be here.

Oh, it gets better:

Illegal Immigrant Accused of Murder Was Arrested 2 Months Ago Then Freed

This is not the first time Rodriquez-Flamenco has been in trouble with the law. He was arrested about two months ago on an assault charge, but he was released after giving police a fake name.

The district attorney, who declined to reveal the suspect’s criminal history at a news conference, confirmed to 2 On Your Side that Flamenco was arrested in late August in Medina on assault charges, accused of punching a teenage girl in the face. His bail was initially set at $25,000 cash, but that was lowered to $2,000 by a different judge; Flamenco made the payment and left a free man.

Punched a girl in the face? I hope she was ugly.

Hate reading stories like this. I wish she would have been carrying.

The headline would be more pleasing had I read, “illegal immigrant shot in face, while trying to rob innocent lady at knife point”

Eff this dude.

Well your local police aren’t allowed to ask about legal status or the Obama justice administration takes them to court…

The real question is why is Kirk Hammett being so violent?


You can also thank another Dem… Cuomo…

Wow. I hope Cuomo sleeps well knowing the blood of this innocent 45 year old woman is on his hands.

Saw this on YNN the other morning. Myself, my wife, and my 5mo old son were there 2 hours before that happened. Good thing we went when we did, and that I decided to go with her that day. Fuckin’ illegals…this shit pisses me off. This negative, and sometimes tragic stuff concerning them continues to happen, and it shouldn’t, yet we continue to “enable” them… what’s the saying?? Don’t feed the troll?? We need to stop serving up these kinds of opportunities to them on a platter. The sign used to read - bring me your tired, your poor masses, yearning to be free (or something like that). Now the sign should read - NO VACANCY.

This turned into a 3 page thread on Roclife.

Apparently I am an asshole because I mentioned that illegal immigration = violent crime. Apparently that’s racist though. Fucking idiots…

No one is saying that you are an asshole. Maybe ignorant to facts, but thats as far as id go with it until further notice. “Illegal immigrant” is a sweet term thats tossed around by hill billie folk, and other ignorant fucks. But 99.99% of them couldnt tell you what the real deffinition of that term is. You can be called an “illegal immigrant” for a lot of reasons even when jumping through the required hoops. Just an FYI.

Ignorant to facts? Please explain…

Illegal immigrant isn’t just a term tossed around by rednecks. I’d love you hear you tell me the definition since you can’t even spell definition. This could get entertaining.

Sorry mr spelling police. The legal meaning of an illegal immigrant (keep in mind this is just going off of memory, and im not even getting into the whole “mass”<<(metaphorically speaking since you seem to be detail oriented) of the meaning).

So ya illegal immigrant is someone who has either entered the country illegally, or has entered the country legally on a _______ Visa which has expired. Again keep in mind that there is a whole hell of a lot more to it and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

So theoretically speaking a person who has entered the country on a student visa (cant remember the exact designation of said visa at the moment) CAN and will be considered an illegal immigrant if that visa expires. Does that now mean that they should be kicked out? Yes and no.

For example. Visa expires as said person is graduating, but he has an employer who is willing and able to sponsor/hire said individual. This process takes time. During this time the individual is now considered an “illegal immigrant” thus making him deportable/ removable under some cases. However the person is not deported because he is taking legal measures to make him or her self a “legal alien”. Now during the whole time the person may or may not be allowed to work (most likely not). But despite all that the person stays out of trouble, and completes all paperwork needed. Finally when all is said and done his paper work is completed, approved, signed, stamped, and said individual now works for lets say Microsoft, makes 6 million a year, and bangs your girl for sport.

Now can you please explain to me how this individual has contributed in any way to the crime rate of his community? This is just a quick example that I came up with. Want to tell me again that your statement wasnt ignorant?


Honestly the whole expired visa thing doesn’t relate to this incident at all. However, if you want to go there then my opinion is that they should get the fuck out after it expires. No excuses, no bullshit. I don’t care if you think that’s harsh and quite frankly your example has nothing to do with this piece of shit that stabbed some innocent woman in a parking lot.

You and I both know that when the topic of “illegal immigration” is discussed in politics and in the media that it is referring to people that have entered this country without permission not some college kid that may or may not work for Microsoft. You should probably just give up trying to argue technical bullshit no one cares about and isn’t relevant.

Illegal Immigrant: Someone who is in this country illegal. /discussion.

It doesn’t matter if you jumped a fence from Mexico or came here on a temporary visa that expired. If you aren’t supposed to be here it should be up to every single law enforcement agency to check. That means it shouldn’t matter if it’s my white ass getting pulled over or some piece of shit who barely speaks English and anyone with half a brain knows is probably illegal like this guy. Without some form of ID that proves citizenship we should both be detained until such citizenship can be determined. If it’s determined I’m not a citizen of this country I should be turned over to INS and deported, no question or exceptions made. I should also then be finger printed and flagged as having entered the country illegal making it far more difficult (or even impossible) for me to apply to legally enter the country again.

come on guys, they are just coming to this country to work and feed their families.

If you can show me an IA without a prior DUI or Domestic Violence charge, then I’ll show you a unicorn.

but then again, I’m just going of what I hear. :wink:

oh and FYI- in many sanctuary states (CA,WA etc) it is against policy (they will be fired)for State Police to call immigration if they think they have a possible wet, or even call for translation assistance