Since today seems to be random crime day....

lol @ all you crackers gettin’ bent outa shape 'cuz some latino fellow cut a bitch.

It’s not like he gave her & her family smallpox, committed mass genocide, moved it her house and slept like a baby.

The whole illegal immigration debate is laughable in a country that was founded on all but the complete eradication of a native people.

Yeah, I’m sure native americans look back on their open border policy today and are happy with the results.

Couldn’t have said it better. If you have no borders and no control that’s fine. If you do have borders, rules need to be in place and those rules enforced. If I go to another country, papers or not, I expect them to ask me to leave whenever they damn well feel. It’s their right, just like a visitor to my home.

Oh, and by the way. This shitbag wasn’t here going to school. Wish he had approached me in the parking lot. Would send him a little Pb at 1450 fps. Deported / departed, whatever.

That’s what I was saying. Why can’t these shitheads ever approach the completely wrong person to mess with like a blackwater trained mercenary or something.

Because they’re not that dumb. They pick a defenseless looking woman who was alone and go after her 3 on 1.

This incident is horrible.

I just want to say, in the past, I have delivered food to Mexican farm workers (in going to assume a bunch of them were illegal) they were always really nice to me, and tipped better than most people that live in the 300k houses. Plus, who wants to work on a farm all day anymore? milking cows, being covered in shit, cmon.

Rednecks… lol

A friend and I did a haunted house in Albion on Halloween and we planned it out before the stabbing…we had a car covered in blood :picard:

I felt bad but we already covered that celica with bloody handprints and wrote “help me” on the side… wtf were we to do??? lol