I'm a PayPal no0b, help me please...

I’ve used paypal to buy things on ebay and such before…but never had somebody send me money via paypal…

just a few quick questions:

  • does paypal take a cut at all of my earnings, or is paypal a completely free service?

  • how do i go about transferring the money from my paypal account back to my bank account safely?

  • i know i don’t ship anything until i receive the paypal payment…but does the money stay on the paypal account until the item is shipped, or can i transfer it to my bank account immediately upon receipt of the payment?

  • from the buyers side, where are the guarantees? I mean, they have to send me the money first, it has to clear, and then i have to ship the item…i could easily screw this guy over for his money by sending him packing peanuts…where’s the security? i’m definitely not going to do this, but there has to be some buyer security, and i think i need to know what it is before selling…because i dont want to get dicked over myself…

  1. give or take 3%

2)withdrawl funds to account

  1. you can transfer as soon as you get the money, but it takes 3-4 buisness days to make it into your account

4)Paypal can take the money he sent you back and give it back to him if they file a dispute, just read up on the dispute

but how can they take it back if i’ve already transferred it to my bank account? do they have that kind of access to my account?..also, what if he does file some fake dispute, and they take the money back…and he runs off with his money, and my item? is there any security against that?

the only way to do is to meet up with buyer. thats only safe way

Paypal can very easily take the money back from you… they can take it back because they have your bank info!
as for a dispute, its not that easy for him to do something like that, there are always 2 sides of any story.

paypal debit card is instant, no more waiting for the bank.