I'm bout to f'in give up.Can somoneone dagnosis this/help me out

Heres the story/problem.

While driving last autumn my car slammed to the ground, this resulting in my cj joint boot shredding apart and my balljoint snappin in half.

So few weeks ago decided to work on my car, get it back on the road registered and stuff. Replaced the whole cv joint and the lower ball joint.

Hoping this would also clear up my problems of my car being uneven. Yet the car is still uneven and slants to the left more then the right.

BTW: I replaced the right side cv and ball the car slants to the left.

So I jus got done putting my exhasut on today and decided to take it down the street, do so feels good sounds good im happy. Few hrs later go to bakc it in the garage so I gotta turn around and such and as im coming back towards my house I hear a knocking, turn down the radio and stop, go to the first to second and hear the knocking again. I searched and some things were mentioned as to the gresse drying up, and the endlinks.

What would cause my car to be knocking and still being uneven.

BTW: Checked the struts and springs there in good shape.

akkord it sounds like you have a pretty big problem. However I can’t even begin to diagnose with your discription. Where do you live? You should think about having a small meet at your place to get a coulpe of guys there to check it out.

car ever in a accidet. osounds like u got a strut or a spring issue honestly. thats what i would replace next

how old is the car? what kind of shape are the strut towers in?? sometimes they start to rust along the seems and then the drop out, it happened in my tuarus beeter last winter, the towers were rotting at the seams and clunked around alot before they snapped through.

EDIT: also sounds like a possible bent frame resulting from a possible accident as mentioned by nitroinsane. carfax that shit and look at your frame rails. that would more than be the cause of your slant issue. and the knocking could be a result of a problem with it being out of whack from the accident, which could also be what caused the CV to fail to begin with

Thank guys.

I will most likely have some of you look at it when we getogether for dinner or w/e for the carlisle group of the 10 of us and se whats up. Focusinporgress, 98teg, wickedcivy, cooter be ready to help me look lol.

cooter dont know jack about cars, no offense to him. replace him with slomies and then youve got a diagnostic team lol

waht springs u on

or me asses

honestly dude, don’t give up. believe me, it gets VERY frustraiting at times. I wanted to give up on my Accord last year, but I stuck with it and hopefully I’ll have her on the road this summer. What you have to do is walk away from the car for awhile (maybe a week or so) and then one day you’ll be like, I’m ready to work on the car again lol. Plus I wanna see your car at Carlisle!

fuck you nick

is the knocking speed dependant? If it based on wheel speed:

A) make sure your lug nuts are tight!
B) did you replace the whole axle? You can wreck a perfectly good cv joint by letting it hang down from the transmission…
C) could be a wheel bearing.

“While driving last autumn my car slammed to the ground”

Does this mean something let go and your car actually fell down? Shit, it could be slanting for a ton of reasons. You may have bent the lower control arm, shock towers, anything… leave the car on the ground and take some measurements to a static point (like the ground or a wheel well) to suspension members on either side. You also may have damaged your spring/strut.

i said no offense! lol. all im saying is you dont know how to diagnose a problem, thats what you call me for lol. you know your specs and shit, but not problem solving

^^ To anser some questions…

Ya last autum I was driving and my cv joint and ball joint both just snapepd causingmy car to slam to the ground, I was gfoing about 30mph, real scary moment. Car hit, spun out o well…

I have nuspeed srpings w/ tokico gas shocks.

I found the problem with the knocking, it was my valves…lol I kno sounds studpi but its one of those things where you look into the problem to hard…

As for the slant the car is still slanted. Ill take some measurements, Just want to ge it fied before carlisle cuz Im not taking my car that long of a drive if somethin is bound to happen.

i know nick…lol

take your fenders off and make sure everything with the suspension is totally even on both sides. maybe even swap the left side for the right side just to be sure. with the body panels all off the front of the car, measure from the framerails to the ground and see if one is different from the other. then take a level, or make your own clear tube with some water in it and an air bubble(as this will be easier to tell with), and set it right along the top of one framerail, then mark where the bubble is with a marker or something. then put the level on the other framerail and see if the bubble lines up. chances are your car slamming to the ground bent your frame, and you need to pay to have it straigtened

bring it over this week and we can take a look at it. PM me for my #

I can’t imagine it happened quite like that. For your CV and ball joint to fail simultaneously is outrageous. Your ball joint on the other hand probably went, cause the tire to tuck and fucking your CV. Now you say the car is lower on the other side. I’d check for bent suspension pieces such as the upper control arm (all the other pieces would most likely either just snap or stay solid). If your UCA is bent that could perhaps change the ride height.