I'm Going to Penn State...

> ur own post is as :greddy: as taking car pics in the grass!!! :down:

i can’t go to CCAC.

my dad blew off paying my tuition, then didn’t inform me about it until i got a letter from a collection agency. even paid, i’m suspended for a year for it. you think i’d go to beaver two days a week if there was another option?

i’m not really owned, because i went to penn state altoona my first year of college and i am just finishing it off at beaver… I didnt start out at beaver, but transferring from altoona, to ccac then back to a penn state campus for my degree would have taken a lot more time due to loss of credits.

Actually the trasfer program CCAC has, is supposed to transfer everything to all the pennsylvania state univeristies. That includes Clarion, Indiana, Penn State and so forth. You should not loose any credits.

ur right for the most part i have a ton of credits that wont transfer over but 90% of them did !!! just make sure u dont take the BS classes i got out of em cause i was smart enough to ask will this transfer

real estate huh? Ive thought about that. Theres HUGE money to bemade down here doing that, but the market is pretty saturated, and the top dogs make it hard for the newbies to get established. Theres no shortage of multi-million dollar properties though. Its something i may look into though…

My Gram is a agent and she makes baller money

she probably shot Kennedy


agent = secret service :kekegay: :slap:

haha, you been smoking those nugs again?

who’s nuts?

play on words :slap:


deeeez nuts

in yo mouth

My steo mother does that for a living. She actually works through the company I used to work for back when I was 19. Who ever said it was right though. Its a 24/7 job and you have to bust ass to make it.

I guess they are doing good since her and my dad just knocked out the back wall of the house and added on a huge addition :eek: