I'm quitting... Who's with me!?

yellow teeth and a dry vag = no good! :nono

I don’t know who you’re referring to with that dry vag nonsense, but it’s not me. My teeth are not yellow either.

maybe its because she was 39? haha

Good thing I quit before those things started happening!! :ohnoes

extra money a month = new struts and shocks for the dub! :banana

:excited :benny

This thread is a bit ackward now. :slight_smile:

Never, how do you figure?


Bah. I am swamped and reading. Give a brother a break. :slight_smile:

Okay, I’ll try to keep our conversations limited to one at a time.

I hate the smokers at HVCC. When you sit next to one in class you are fucked. It stinks the whole time

yea, couldn’t agree more.

Even worse when they gang up on you… in math I had one in front of me and to BOTH sides. I saw them outside putting dat thunda into their lungs, then they came in and sat right by me. :headbang

On the flipside weed smells delicious.



Actually I agree with Benny on that one. Weed does smell better then tobacco but I still will never smoke the stuff

Cuz youre scared

I quit a few weeks ago and I can’t stand walking by smokers… I can’t believe I smelled like that. =’(

I only used to smoke when I drank but I stopped a few years ago. I hated the cigarette and/or cigar taste in my mouth when I woke up the next morning.

I quit weed over two years ago for a job interview and never started again even though I didnt take the job.