I'm so behind the times... RE: Period spacing

All my life I have put two (2) spaces after a period when I type. I recently found out that this is wrong, and has been wrong since the early nineties.

But I can’t stop! Did anyone else not know about this?


Two spaces crew, holler.

Since the early 90’s? Weren’t we still using pen and paper then?

What’s the correct amount of spaceage, 1?

so wait . you type . like this .

thats weird newman

EDIT- NVMD. i see what youre saying now. like this. gotcha

how is it wrong? i’ve always learned and performed the “post-period-two-space”

I’m addicted to two spaces as well. Maybe I can get Word to autocorrect it to one…


weird someone was talking about this at work on Friday…I wasn’t paying attention…

my phone actually auto’s it to two

My Word corrects it to show two spaces.

Yeah. I blame my mom. But the “correct” way of typing only has a single space after a period.

I googled it for more info and a single space is correct.

who says that is the correct way?


Never knew it changed but about a year ago someone told me they “thought” it was one space and I told him to STFU!

…according to what/whom

MLA style

I guess it’s OK, but a single space is preferred.

the MLA says use either one or two:

How many spaces should I leave after a period or other concluding mark of punctuation?
Publications in the United States today usually have the same spacing after a punctuation mark as between words on the same line. Since word processors make available the same fonts used by typesetters for printed works, many writers, influenced by the look of typeset publications, now leave only one space after a concluding punctuation mark. In addition, most publishers’ guidelines for preparing a manuscript on disk ask authors to type only the spaces that are to appear in print.

Because it is increasingly common for papers and manuscripts to be prepared with a single space after all punctuation marks, this spacing is shown in the examples in the MLA Handbook and the MLA Style Manual. As a practical matter, however, there is nothing wrong with using two spaces after concluding punctuation marks unless an instructor or editor requests that you do otherwise.


Mine too. Bastards.

probably a green people plot to save paper and trees.

i blame paul gaustad


I am kicking it old skool double space styles for reelz yo! Til da enda time!

I’ve heard both ways are correct. I had a term paper due for one class where we were told we needed 2 spaces after a period to avoid any deductions, while in another class we were required 1 space after a period… Arguing the matter was along the lines of discussing religion and/or politics. I just don’t get it.