Im so f***** pissed off.

So today I desided to take my car to Krown to have it rustproofed and undercoated. Since I don’t winter drive my car and there is no rust on my car at all, I told them just to rust proof it where ever they can and use what holes the car has to put their equipment in to do the inside of the body and not to drill any other holes. So they took my car in and started working on it and I went to Tim hortons to grab a coffee. I come back and my car is already outside of the shop. I go in and they are like “Sorry we couldn’t do the undercoating because the car is too low and we can’t get it on the hoist and we don’t want to risk damaging your car, so we will only charge you $55.00 for the rustproofing” So I was like okay I respect that, if they can’t do it, they can’t do it! that’s fine I will do it my self. I pay them and then I get to my car and what do I see? They drilled 12!!! Yes 12 holes!!! 2 in each door 3 on each door jam and 2 on the hatch. I flipped out! I went back in and fucken went nuts. The guy I told forgot to tell the guy who was doing the rust proofing. And then they were telling me, that without the wholes they can’t do a proper job. I told them I don’t care for a proper job I don’t winter drive the car and in the winter I seal it in nylon so no moisture get’s to it, the only reason I wanted it rustproofed was for peice of mind and it’s something I will do once every 3 years. They gave me back my money and apologized, since I am a regular there because I go there every year to rust proof and undercoat my winter car and my mom’s car. But that’s not the point, I got my money back but now I got 12 holes in my car that were never there in the first place, I am so fucken pissed. They coverd them with these stupid little black things but I would rather those holes not be there at all. F*** Im pissed now. :evil:

That does suck, and I doubt you are able to get any compensation out of them either, unless you really go for it.
But, now your car is now ‘properly rustproofed’ in those areas, and you got it done for free.


Shit, at least use paragraphs. :ugh:

I believe the shop I went to only put like 2 or 3 holes per side, and
nothing for the rear. Another reason why Coupe > Hatch.

I say ask for more compensation then just $55. Free rust coating per
year, for every hole drilled.

I don’t think these holes are gonna negatively affect your car. I mean,
you aren’t going to push like 400-500rwhp with crazy/stiff suspension are
you? Didn’t think so. :o

doesn’t matter how much hp he’s going to be running. the fact that he said specifically NOT to drill any holes is enough for him to have big beef with them.

and Gonad, since you only have a few holes, i don’t think it was rustproofed properly. let’s add several more and see how you’d react. :-k

1 per door
2 per jam (one for rocker, one for quarter)

Why would you need more then that?

And ya it’s more about his request being denied hence he should pursue
some legal action or something. KROWN is big; they have money. :naughty:

ahh, last year i got a shitload of holes, and then guess what happened, when i stripped the interior to fix some rust, the padding everywhere was SOAKED and thats why my car smelt like SH1T!, and the stuff they spray doesnt go further than 6 inches around the hole they drill, i wiped it all off, and this year im ONLY doing the undercoat, that shit really worked…
oh and dont wory about the holes man, not like anything willl happen to your car cause of them

Thanks for the replies guys but the only thing that could brighten up my day today is if I could turn back time and not have gone for that coffee and I should of stood there looking over their shoulder as they worked on my car. Fuck I hate places that you can’t see the when they are working on your car and they will not allow you into the work area.
I guess this is partially my fault I shouldn’t have gone for that coffee and I should of requested to watch as they work on my car. Oh well…live and learn I guess…We all learn from our mistakes.

So what lesson have I learned today?

If your car is being worked on, don’t leave your vehicle unattended even in the hands of professionals.

yea i agree, make sure they jack it up properly too, i hate when they bend your rocker panel jack spots cause they are too lazy to put rubbers under them, stand there and watch, and they will use proper techniques, if your not watching they tend to do things half ass cause they think you dont care.

Great… now I’m scared of rust-proofing my car :lol:

Look at it as weight reduction.

Gee thanks Adam I feel so much better now. :slap:

I look at it like more places due to rust one day if water get’s in.
I just don’t like holes on the body period, even if they are harmless that’s all. Im still pissed, Im putting my 240 away in about a week, so maybe I will forget about this whole thing. This whole hole thing f***!

Exept for the fact that it gave them more areas to spray MORE oil. :shock:

But yeah, that sucks John, I hate leaving the car at the disposal of “profesionals”.

Yeah, so they can afford a good legal team.

I say you sell your car, buy a GN, and :gtfo:

that is a rip off for sure!

It’s funny you say that, im actually going to go look at a 1987 Buick Grand National this weekend :smiley: .
If I buy it the SR20 swap will have to wait another year :frowning: …But it’s worth it!

Oh and I actually got a call from the owner of that Krown location this morning and he wanted to apologize for what happened and he said he will rustproof and undercoat my winter car and my moms car for free.

Man, if that’s all you have to worry about, you are lucky.

Wait to you have a wife, kids, a mortgage (rates were close to 20 percent a couple of decades ago), have to compete with folks to keep your job, have illness in the close family, lose a loved one, lose your good job, etc.

Now, back to reality, that felt good.

Let me make you feel better…



pshhhhhhhhhh fahtahtah



did you buy it?

and the sr can wait man…you’ll just have more time to buy that t88 for it

Damn I hate you G.

Stop it.

Im gona go see one tomorrow in Mississauga.