im stuck

:clap: such a nice guy… and all he asks for in return is to spoon for 15 minutes or till he passes out afterward

call your landlord and tell his ass to call AAA right away. its his problem and his responsibility.

His shit didnt break down…He wants his rent money…lol

all great ideas.i still wore a condom with the preggy chick


lol truth

A buddy of mine and I (me 5’6", 135 lbs.) pushed his 41 Dodge Luxury Liner into his garage up a slight incline. Quit being a pussy.

wasnt really a big deal, wasnt really in a time crunch plus there was a good 10 inches or snow/ice

hmmm …set a garbage can on fire on the other side (the stuck side). when the firemen get there, they will have to have the truck towed lol.

at least your landlord plows your driveway (or trys to).

Mine pays the useless neighbors 35 dollars a month to cut the grass, and shovel the driveway, and neither are ever done on time.

I haven’t seen them shovel once this season.

Its gotten to the point where i shovel a patch for mine and my girlfriends car can park, and i tell them not to park there.