I'm Trying To Blame New Era Performance For Blowing Up My Tranny...


nope. you still don’t get it:

lemme layout another scenario:

If you had a rental car you were renting from Avis, and the previous 100 people who’d rented it beat the LIVING DAYLIGHTS out of it, and it just so happened to “let go” while you were leaving the rental lot, would you feel it fair of Avis to make YOU pay for the repairs?

Didn’t think so.

Now substitute “you” for “Mike/NewEra” and “Avis” for “some douchbag who beat the fuck out of his car racing every weekend and is whining about his shit on NYSPEED” and now you can understand my frustration with people like you.


I can do this all day. Your are responceable to bring the car back in the same condition that it was when you took it.
It is YOUR responcability to check the car before you take it.