I am debating for a long run engine swap when my engine dies, its at around 250k, still running, so im not planning on swapping for a while, not driving in winter so it will be decent, its stock right now by the way, but my problem is this, I’ve wanted the sr20 swap, but I was also thinking since im not going to be racing it or anything, the engine is mainly for personal preference, I was debating whether to save money and get the ca18 and put money into exterior and cosmetics…anyone have a say, all opinions welcome. thanks
buy an sr20 front clip, leave it stock…and drive it as a daily driver.
Does CA get better gas milage than the SR?
Depends how you drive. All things equal, not really.
the way gas is im thinking of swaping my ca back to ka :oops:
Wow I thought the 1.8litre would boost gas performance. I guess I guessed wrong.