Infiniti Attesa Question

First off, I decided to ask here because usually theres always someone spending their night roaming around reading and posting so this is the fastest way to get a response…

So over the last 2+ decades ATTESA has changed. I am seriously considering an Infiniti G35x or G37x as a daily driver but found out the ATTESA is 25/75 front to rear and a part-time awd system, so it will become 50/50 when it detects slippage. Apparently the G35x or maybe just the G37x come with a lock button to keep it locked in 50/50 AWD mode. I was wondering if there was a (cheap & easy) way to keep it either RWD bias or 100% RWD mode?

… Get a normal G35 / G37.

Yer Welcome.

oh you’re funny… /sarcasm. Thanks for not helping now gtfo. :slight_smile:

AWD vehicle for winter DD cause im gonna travel around the province all year long for work. I just wanted to know if there was some way to make it temp RWD so i can feint drift alil easier it on the weekend/trackdays. Since ATTESA has changed its no longer like pulling a fuse (or is it? ;P)

I don’t think you can make it 0/100%. I think there’s still fun to be had with 25/75% especially in the winter time.

no, it doesnt stay 25/75 or i wouldnt want to lock it. as soon as it detects slippage it goes into 50/50 mode. this is the reason im trying to lock it in a RWD bias mode.

You know all x’s only come in auto right?

RWD + Decent snows = you’re set.

lol shit, fail on my part. :expressionless: effing confused D;
Shall I sacrifice the fun of a manual or find another car that meets my needs? D:

lmfao whats with that pic, is it you? o.o

awd + alot of snow = even better :slight_smile:

If you’re referring to Solarian’s avatar, it’s the classic Fat Asian Kid. When I saw the photochopping thread, I almost died of laughter. Look it up for your amusement. :slight_smile:


u cant realy make the ratio 25/75 on the g35/7 the tranny isnt desinged to do that on the x series, and yes u can get a g35/7 x in 6 speed manual, i work for nissan/infinity, awd g35 still kick out a little on slipery conditions, just turn off the vdc and have fun,
good luck

I didn’t know you could get the AWD versions in manual… That’s good to know, not that I’ll ever be able to afford one, but still! lol

yeah, Subie was my next choice… but i do loves nissan :smurfin:

I cant find any information on that. It says if you get the option of AWD than you lose the option of manual. Unless you’re referring to that Tiptronic manual shifting which still has no clutch.

no not tiptronic, thats gay lol, no serious we had one on the lot which was 6 speed maunal awd, frig i did the safety for the car, they are very rear but u can get them, it sold for 18k with 85k on it still with factory/ extended warrenty lol

i agree but tiptronic is still better than regular automatic cause atleast you choose when to shift :expressionless: anyways, I’ve found nothing except Base model, Journey trim and Sporty (S) trim that come in manual according to the brochure, site and local nissan/infiniti dealership. :/:


never heard of this ever

airport nissan, come by

Now I know you’re BS-ing. While there is a distinct possibility that it is something new on the 09’s or 10’s, if you had one with 85k and sold for 18k that means it’s one of the older cars, and it is undisputable fact that they were never made in anything but automatic.

everytime solarian everytime, it was a US car , hey this is what i seen if u guys want to argue on the forums about this futher more sure, but hey i put my two cents in for xoxvibe thats it im out, hey u only know if u have worked on it or work at the dealer