info on buying an on/off rd dirtbike out of state..

In before no protective gear comment from vlad

fuck gear… if I had my helmet near me I prolly woulda put that on, but besides that I never wear anything else.

have fun with that road rash then.

:skid that icon wasnt made for me, im not a dumb fuck, I know how to ride…

How much ?

How much? did i pay?

Na how much are you selling it for :lol…just busting your balls

oo haha… im sure itll be for sale at some point lol

You are only one part of the equation. Other drivers don’t care how good of a rider you are, nor does the road. Have you read the crashing thread?

But like I said, whatever floats your boat, not my skin.

If its someone elses fault 99% of the time its going to be a big accident that gear wouldnt help with regaurdless.

You don’t need to justify it, like I said above, not my skin.

Enjoy the bike and ride safe. Motos are a lot of fun. I’ll likely ride with you next week just to have some hooligan fun on 2 tards and see how quick yours is. Maybe even switch.

You know how to ride but you dont keep your feet on the pegs when you wheelie?

Mines pretty slow, but you can def take it for a spin lol…

Because of how I do 1 wheelie in 1 pic I dont know how to ride? :facepalm… And one of my feet was on the pegs at first and my other foot extended out obviously not shown in pic in attempts at a 1 legged wheelie… This was all within 5 minutes of riding the bike for the first time… I dont think its too bad… Will take another pic juuustt for you of me doing the same wheelie with both feet on the pegs :slight_smile:

nice bike, i wanna scoup up one of these for my next bike just to cruize around with, i bet they are a blast

Dude, this is my first street legal dirtbike and I fucking LOVE IT!! Kwpt leaving my store today to go on small trips with the bike, feels so good riding, unlike the old street bikes ive had that are fun to ride for about 7 minutes and then it gets old… The position that im sitting/riding, I could ride to the city and back with noo problem, with a street bike, I’d have to stop at LEAST a dozen times along the way to stretch my back out lol.

Im just messing with yah. Its cool I dont keep my feet on the pegs either…

lol… wont lie, that i cant do…


similar has happened to me lol… But I was being stupid.