Info on not talking to cops

. Im never rude to an officer as I have respect for all the shit and people they have to deal with on a daily basis and seeing first hand how people acted towards my father for something as stupid as a tail light out and him just telling them and shit like that.

I never play the my dads a cop you cant touch me card, I talk to the officer for a second and just kinda work it in there “Officer I’m not sure if its going to make a difference but I just wanted to let you be aware that my fathers a retired police officer rather than you find out later” The few times I never mentioned anything the cop always said its better to tell them your dads a cop upfront when you get pulled over as if that matters to him it will keep him from doing unecssary paperwork whihc will piss him off more, even if he doesnt really belive you and writes you the ticket its still good to tell him as he will know if its try he will be getting a phone call.

But for the most part im completely honest, a month ago i got pulled over 60mph in a 30… thats licence gone and car towed… I was passing some lady doing 15mph and i was in a rush to get home to get my daughter.

The cop asked me “Why the fuck are you passing someone at 60 in a 30 on a double yellow?”

“Honstly officer she was going slow as hell and I was just trying to get around her to get home to grab my daughter”

“Alright have a nice night, dont let me catch you doing that shit again”

Later I was told the cop couldent belive that I acctualy told him the truth and he thought it was hillarious… he was exspecting me to concockt some random story out of thin air as to why i had to pass her at 60

lol i had been living in duanesburg for about 6 mos when i was headed back down 7 from a buddies around 10pm. i was in my bros jetta screaming… like 65-70 in a 45. it’s the country who fucking cares. apparently the sheriff did. by the time he caught up i was in my driveway out of the car. he called me back over and said “is this your place?” i said yea, blah blah blah and he’s like “do you have any idea what the speed limit is back there near xxx road?” i’m like officer i just moved here i have no idea. “it’s 45, do you know how fast you were going?” me- “oh shit, i was going way faster than that!” lol he takes my liscense to check the address with an utter look of disbelief at what i had just said. checks to make sure i wasn’t bullshitting and it was my place i was parked at says “welcome to the neighborhood, watch your speed.” :slight_smile:

EDIT: Just to clarify, i didn’t run or anything, i didn’t even know he was behind me until he pulled up to driveway.

hahaha thats awsome

I have a few cops in my family and are friends with a few City cops and play hockey with a few state troopers.

It seems to me that locally 90% of cops are all big ego’d arrogant pricks with god complexes who have nothing better to do than profile and pick on whoever they feel like taking their aggression out on that day.

i have had exactly the opposite experience… maybe you are the arrogant prick? :ponder

So what happens if the cop tells you your going faster than you really were? I got a ticket for 51 in a 35, I’m 99% sure I didn’t break 45. I even told the cop that, and he’s like “your speedometer must be off”, it was bullshit. I’ve heard people say that you can ask the cop to verify the speed they clocked you at, is that true?

yes it is true. Request supporting deposition and calibration check of his radar gun

Yeah it’s true, but it’s probably only going to piss the cop off and make him less likely to work with you on a ticket.

Your objective when you get pulled over is to make the cop forget about you.

You do not want him remembering “Oh this is the little faggot that made me show him my radar tuning log”.

You want him to think “who the hell is this kid and how can I get out of court the fastest tonight.”

thats hilarious :thumbup no ticket

no ticket. i find if you are nice and honest with them, they are usually cool as fuck. i can’t even tell you how many times this has worked for me.

yeah def worked out for me many times…

knowing the cop also helps:number1

What I’m sure helped you Wayne is the fact that your license is clean to begin with.

That and you’re of the legal age to collect Social Security. (:rofl)

If you get one or two (or four) “failure to obey a traffic device” tickets…they kinda know whats up and won’t let you go. Ever.

rofl ++++++rep. dude if i could, my old matlock watching ass would +rep you thirty times for that. :rofl:rofl:rofl

hell nah im mad good with cops, he wants to be a dick ima be one back, and watch porn on my phone while he hands me the ticket :rofl

How not to deal with cops?

Supporting deposition doesn’t mean shit to me, they probably write the speed in. I’m talking about at the time I get pulled over, I want to see the actual number on the radar gun.

the dude will laugh in your face and call you BRO

FUCK cops

I’m usually very nice to them and honest. All they do is give me the shaft. They should stop harassing motorists and find some real criminals.

thats what im saying

word they waste alot of time on BS