ingrown toenail

the cutters weren’t to sharp. thats where it went wrong. it ripped it all they way down the side.

it get one almost every year on my left foot big toe i just do the same thing and rip the fucker out it feels so good once you get it

You know, I think I already out did your pussy ass.

Let someone shave your balls, and then stick a 6 foot fawkin needle up you leg and into your heart with no pain killers, or anything at all. :puke: Then come back and tell me about your poor toe.

sounds brutal

I actually dig my own out. both my big toes are ingrown but no where near as bad as they were before I dug them out. First one pissed me off I just stepped on my to a bunch to get pasthe cringing and ripped the fucker out with nail clippers and tweesers and then cleaned it. :hs: Probably not the smartest thing, but at least I could walk in shoes with out being in pain.

I do my own surgury also. :slight_smile: I went to the doctor a few times for my big toes, I guess tight hockey skates for a bunch of years is no good for toenails :dunno: They cut them out and put the stuff on there so they would not grow back, but they did. So now, about every 3 months I get a pair of nail clippers and go to town.

The worst part about having a doctor cut out the nail is the big ass shot between the toes to numb it up.


The worst part about having a doctor cut out the nail is the big ass shot between the toes to numb it up.[/QUOTE]

needles and toes. fuck that! i couldnt handle that .