Inside Time attack Video

Half way through the orange Impreza on-board cam and I havent seen him hit an apex yet…

Edit: lul sorry nm, I wont ruin the thread.

Would you do time attack?

I’ve done time TRIALS but not time ATTACKZ. Dont do them much anymore.

Did you enjoy those?

It’s competitive (fun), but to run at the front of a class, its just as expensive as wheel to wheel racing.

Can you use your white M3 as it sits for Time Attack Racing?

I saw the impreza hit an apex, followed by a large strip of grass, a walkway, corner station, and then finally what appears to be the alternate configuration. Superb.


Clark, for a turning nOOb, whats the difference between a trial and an attack?? Seems like it would be the same general idea, no?

The amount of body-kits and JDM is exponentially higher at a time attack. And apparently based on this video the driving skill is highly variable, which adds considerable excitement. You are way more likely to see some lawn mowing at a time attack.

In short time attack seems to be for highly modified cars, and trials are more for classed race cars, although this is just a generalization.

Id love to go watch some amateur time attack events that’s for sure. I love me some carnage.

id want to try it. i’d suck tremendously, but i dont care. id still want to at least try that out. it looks like a fun time.


Vot- I’m sure my car would fit in somewhere, but it wouldnt be maxed to that class’s rules, therefore not competitive. There’s also some changes that should be made to a car like mine to optimize it to go fast for only 1 lap instead of 20 in a row.

Time trial is what people called it for decades. The JDM kids got their hands on it and starting attacking stuff. Fundamentally there is no difference, but the attackers usually write their rules pretty openly, meaning you can do anything you want to the car. That makes it about the car and not about the driver. Different strokes/folks. NASA is the best combination of competition and fun attitude that I’ve found for time trial peoples.

Ahh got ya, thanks for clearin it up there.

Jesse, have you ever driven a time attack car?

What’s a time attack car? I’ve driven 3 or 4 cars in time trials if they count.

Vot, from what was stated time attack/trials cars are the same. That would be a pretty vague question… :lol

Vot, you ever drive a drag car?

Nope, I havent. I’ve driven normal cars. I’ve never driven a race car in my life. I’ve been a passenger in a track car that Tarzan drives, but never a driver.

What’s that like?

It’s like qualifying. Then you go home before the race.