Inspection issue (delta Sonic)

I cant speak to the specific subject (would love to, but cant). I hear you and will look into it when time allows. Best bet is take your car to someone you know or get to know your shop guy. The more they see you the less chance they will screw you. I hate the whole maintenance selling that goes on lately. My own mother took her 2010 camry with 15,000 into a place and they tried to tell her she NEEDED a p/s flush. I was gonna make an issue out of it, but she knew enough to not let them do it.
There are good sponsers here that i trust to do stuff to my vehicles that i dont feel like doing.(cough cough… Jason)

If Uncle Sam feels strongly enough to make it a LAW that your personal property has to be inspected, why don’t they equally regulate the shops bending over the people that are forced to go there? I know why, but honestly that sucks.

It would be nice to get more evidence/people and slap them with a class action lawsuit.

Not exactly Uncle Sam, as inspection regulations are different from state to state, with some states having no emissions/safety inspection at all. Honestly, when an inspection is done right, it certainly helps to keep a lot of scary shit off the roads. I remember living in East TN for years, and being genuinely frightened by some of the stuff I would see driving around.

And I’ll speak up for Pauly here. There are plenty of shop regulations. Problem is that the number of folks who actually work out in the field dealing with complaints is ridiculously small, and have to cover a large territory.

I cringe when I see doors being held shut with duct tape.

I used to be against state inspections then I started driving in FL and MI a lot where state inspections aren’t required. I’ll gladly deal with the yearly hassle after seeing so many unsafe vehicles on the road (and broken down creating traffic nightmares) in those non-inspection states. It’s nice knowing the 20 year full sized pickup following my wife and daughter on the highway likely has brakes, something you really start to doubt in MI.

A system where you take your vehicle to a state inspector who doesn’t perform any repairs would eliminate the problems of all these shops failing cars for fraudulent reasons simply to drive up their profit but it would make the process more of a hassle since if you failed you’d then have to take the car somewhere else for repairs.

That’s what they do in Japan and it looks like this:

From my Tokyo thread:*130-Pictures-amp-Video*

Drive in and they go through everything… and check for “illegal” modifications: Motor-vehicle inspection (Japan) - Wikipedia

I’ll take what we have now thanks.

i couldnt agree with Jay more.
About 16-17 yrs ago that was the plan. The state even bought land to do this but it never happened.

I’m glad it didn’t happen because it would turn into yet another unchecked authority in NY and before long our yearly inspections would be $200. They’d have to pay for people like Mark Poloncarz’s brother to be a $55k/year contract inspector at the “NYS Automotive Inspection Authority” based on his Wegman’s chef resume.

That’s buffaLOL

I don’t mind inspections, but they should be stupid basic. Lights, turn signals, brakes, etc. $20 Done.

For the record I realize it isn’t the Federal Government but the state governments doing the inspections, and even smaller in some cases counties (as in many southern states) that control auto inspections. By saying “Uncle Sam” I was referring to any governing body that controls your life.

So, did you put on your big boy pants and just pay or are you going to return for a 3rd time and have a 3rd problem to cry and moan about? “WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.” “I’m going to cry and moan like a chick on the rag and waste more time and effort then just paying the whole $20 and being done with it.”

I believe the thread was made due to the fact they are scamming people. Its not a matter of manning up and paying. More so that it shouldnt have happened and others could be having the same thing happen to them. To be aware of the situation.

Putting on your big boy pants means you don’t let people get away with shit, not giving up and letting people violate you. Maybe if didn’t just bend over and take it every time somebody tried to assfuck you then you wouldn’t be so angry all the time. :tup:

Are you always this ignorant? If you read the post it clearly states that I was not even there, I told my wife just to do it, but I wanted to advise others not to go there as they were obviously scamming their customers. I am not poor enough to leave over $20 but I do not like wasting money where it should not be wasted.

---------- Post added at 11:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:39 AM ----------

That must be it! I never even considered that he had a whole bag of dicks up his ass, but it would explain a lot.

Hey Quattro, what’s the name of the car sales place you’re at so I can make sure no one I know ever goes there.

OH NO!!! Please, PLEASE, don’t tell people who are never going to buy anything to not stop. What will I do? Make sure that poor fuck who was looking to have a starter put in his Cavalier for $50 swing by.

Quattro is awesome, I enjoy his posts more then 80% of all others.

yeah one of the few sane people here :wink:

Plenty of good shops that do legit inspections out there. Write Delta off

Funny, right now I’m helping him find a car because a car full of Indian’s plowed into his while it was parked totaling it. 10-12k budget and he’s putting 5k down.

So seriously, what’s your shop so I know where to avoid. If you’re honestly proud of the place and how you carry on here I don’t see why you’re hiding it.

All I can find is this:
Hamburg-Green Street Auto
Zip: 14206
Phone: 716-9**-****

But it doesn’t seem to be registered with NYS.

EDIT: PS… Ask Dave Basil about the “poor” people I’ve sent him. Both bought brand new vehicles. Then again Dave is the kind of stand up guy I’d recommend to people.

That info that you posted is based on his home address which I will not post here.