Insurance and Aftermarket Wheels. Do they mix?

No fault insurance is only reference to MEDICAL bills. Not property damage.

If you get hit by another person, their insurance pays for whatever is on your car (they may ask for proof i.e. receipts). As long as you have receipts to back it up, they cut a check.

“No fault” means if you yourself sustain physical injury, your insurance company covers your medical costs regardless of whether you were hit by someone, or you injured yourself .

i know a few ppl who didnt have collision and they ended up only getting 60%

in theory they should pay for it all, but they don’t

the insurance companies settle between themselves, and the customer gets screwed

If they didn’t have receipts to back up their claims, then of course the insurance company is not going to pay full price. Documentation talks, and bullshit walks. No receipts = whatever the insurance company feels like paying. In which case 60% ain’t half bad. :shrug:

When you buy that bling bling I.C.E. and the spinnin’ wheels, save your receipts kids :fyi:

im not really talking in regards to aftermarket parts, overall payout

thanks Beck for posting this while i was at practice, and thanks guys for all the help, i wasent actually in the parking lot. I was pumping gas at the gas station parked, and some kid in his mommys taurus who happened to be in my class just before this thought he could make the turn…well he didnt. The front bumper got the least of it but of course the wheel did. So if i have the receipt for the wheels, and show it to the insurance company, i should be ok?

i just like driving the sti, it wouldnt matter if it was school, or to that car wash right next to the ritz ha

haha your right, i dont know what i was thinking, its a stupid vw :biglaugh:

Yes. Make sure you go through the other party’s insurance for the claim, and not yours.

thanks beck i’m fealing the love.

I would have punched the kid in the dick several times.

thx adam

ecc scares me :cry:

you don’t have to worry about people hitting your front bumper…

its not even on the car.

and jeff. i’m sorry, i forgot you.

But the kids there see your vinyl, and they think you are one of them. :slight_smile:

that’s not how it works, those are two unrelated incidents, they do not compare

:roll2: He didn’t put them on, the car came like that. And it’s not stupid at all, they look awesome on his car.

Why would you put heavy expensive wheels on a track car? Why worry about weight on a street car? :stupid:

lol untill some girl tries to pull up next to me