insurance help

hey guys i need help with insurance , i need names for your insurance brokers, please guys i need help


I talked to you about this on wednesday, try BelAir Direct (, PC Insurance ( or Pilot. I don’t know their URL.


im with wawanesa through ore and forrester insurance in king city
just insured my s13 for 1402 a year, and collision is only 250 more.
as long as your record is mostly clean the rates are good

Damn you Derek, now I have to switch again, that’s a great rate.

yeah i remember i was trying belair but i need like names or brokers that i can talk to because the quotes are doing me no help

for the s14 i was paying 2150 for full insurance with wawanesa through ore and forrester.

Thats the same company I got through the brokers here in Burlington and I think Im paying 191/month for just Liability.

Okay, well then my current insurance company is fine for now I guess, I will have to consider them next year when I do my annual switch.

Hey guys thanks for all the help :smiley: , but i finally got insurance with ING but theres a setback… beacue of my driving record i wont be driving the 240 at all but instead the insurance company is letting me drive my brothers celica btu honestly i dont care i just really needed a car :smiley:
so again thanks for all the help

So what is happening with your 240?

ugh my brothers gonna drive it untill my driving record improves
i dont mind but at least i can still sit in it

So you are gonna bring your celica to the meet tonight? Why don’t you try getting insured as secondary driver on your car, get your brother to do the same. That way you can still drive your 240.

i already was secondary on the 240 and my brother was secondary on his car as well, thats how screwed up i am :evil: however i am still driving my car tonight but it might be the last time for a while, unless you guys wanna give me a ride ill be showing up in a celica next time :lol:
but in all seriousness im just happy i can get insured and at least its my brother using my car and not some punk kid :smiley:

They all suck, your best bet is to drive without insurance or to go with certas for the cheapest rates of shitty insurance.

certas dropped me a few years ago…

i like this wawanasea place… i shoudl get a quote.

phil, why do u change every year?

I have been able to consistantly lower my insurance by changing every year. I found that my premiums would increase slightly each year when renewal time comes up so I just look around and always seem to find lower quotes from other companies.