insurance inspection?

im going to have my car back on the road soon but my insurance company wants to inspect the car to make sure it hasnt been damaged while it wasnt covered. as far as i know its just an exterior inspection, no hood popping. but i do have a intercooler sticking out behind my bumper. anyone with any car knowledge is going to recognize it and could result im my insurance being cancelled. what should i do? can i hide it somehow or should i take it right out and drive the car up without an intercooler? also has anyone had insurance inspect your car and can verify they dont pop the hood? thanks

I have only ever been asked for pictures… never a physical inspection.

put in a ka now

I’m sort of going down this road now…

I told my insurance company about the SR swap because I have a bad record and didnt want any added problems or a chance of being dropped… so its put on Facility and I can drive it…


They will not cover my Intercooler even if its not my fault and someone else wrecks my front end. So they want it appraised then will come up with a monthly rate depending on value… They qouted me $375mth knowing its turbo charged with the SR.

So my Cooler is worth $350… do I take a $350 hit if someone did hit me or do I take a chance or paying a hell of alot more then $375 by getting it appraised.

I’d take the risk because a front end accident is more than likely going to be caused by you tail gating someone and braking late… and if your car gets fucked up THAT badly in a head on… intercooler is the least of your concerns…

Actually the Intercooler would be the only concern as Insurance would cover all the other damage.

If the accident was my fault to begin with then I could understand… but I dont want to be out $350 if someone else hits me cause I’m sure if I didnt cover it then someone will hit me. lol.

When I had my car inspected they never popped the hood.

Yeah no worries on the “hood popping”…what they are really interested in is if you have any visable damage (that you might try to claim later) and a snapshot of your odometer.