
So I just got my new whip and I call up a bunch of insurance companies for policies, trying to start my first ever policy.

After 10+ quotes I find one that I can live with.

I recall the insurance company and provide them with my reference number.
We proceed to start the process for my policy. Question after question, you guys know how it is.

We’re tying this deal down and he asks. “To ensure honesty we will be conducting an inspection, we can insure up to $1,500 in aftermarket upgrades. Do you have any aftermarket parts intalled?” I figure if its below $1,500 then why not, its covered and doesn’t increase premium. Plus I don’t have to modify the car for the inspection.

So I comply…
I let him know it’s simply got an aftermarket CD deck and Exhaust muffler. (honesty is the best policy :slight_smile: lol) sIt’s below the amount so sure its insurable…puts me on hold and returns to say they cannot provide insurance. They do not insure aftermarket mufflers…

After over an hour on the phone with the dude I get rejected. And it was the best rate by far!! WTF.

What should I do in the future? looking for some help. please. thanks.
AND who here is just on a third party liability policy?? (that’s what I’m quoting my 97’ for, just liability)
HELP :confused:

ps. sorry for another insurance thread, more or less a rant. but any assistance is appreciated.

Call them up and tell them your taking the exhaust off then as it was on there when you purchased it and you dont want it. If they ask for an inspection buy stock exhaust for 50$ and save you the money.


next time lie, and when they come for inspection take the parts off. its a pain in the ass but it works… lol

The insurance world is an interesting one.

This won’t be helpful to your situation but for the sake of info.

One thing most people don’t know is that when you sign up for any kind of insurance policy, technically, everything is determined only at the time of the under writing.
Unless otherwised discussed.

What I mean is this.
Let’s say you go for health insurance. You’re a non-smoker. Therefore you get a discount and will get better coverage for less, easier. However, if you start smoking 3 days later and the insurance company finds out, there isn’t anything can do. They still have to insure you as if it were three days ago.

Same applies for automotive insurance. But remember, that even switching to an oil that is not recommended by the OEM. The insurance company can technically call that a modification. Which it is, technically.
But, if at the time of the underwriting, there are mods (which they know about) or no mods. The insurance company has to insure you for the policy (meaning what you already signed up for, not the mods). Unless of course, it was stated otherwise during the underwriting.

However, keep in mind that this itself is a loop hole. And there are many other loop holes that they will try to use to get around that. Insurance companies will do as much as they can to not pay you.

I know this isn’t relevant to your situation but it might help you down the road.

As for this situation, try playing dumb next time. It CAN work.
Or, you may just have to wait til you 25 before you disclose any mods with an insurance company.

Get a post box in Quebec, use it as your home address, get Quebec plates and insure your car in Quebec it’s like 80% cheaper then Ontario because insurance in Quebec is not a private sector it’s provincial and therefore it is governed and the rates are much, much cheaper then Ontario.

…Oh just don’t forget to tell the post office in Quebec to forward whatever mail comes to that post box to your home address in Ontario, there is a fee you have to pay for the mail forwarding but it’s worth it.

This worked a few years ago, I know a guy that had things set up like this for his 2003 Porsche Boxster, I’m not shure about now, but if nothing has changed then I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. It’s worth looking into, you will have to take a trip out there to register your car there, you will go to the transportation office and tell them you moved to Quebec from Ontario and you want to register your car in Quebec, you supply them with your new Quebec home address (post box) and then you order your Quebec plates and when you get your Quebec plate you give you give them your Ontario plates and they set you up with the provincial Insurance. You will also have to change your license to Quebec licence but you will not have to do any testing or anything like that over again.

There is a guy on here in SON from Montreal I forgot what his screan name is but he could probably give you some further details about how insurance works in Quebec.

Good luck!

^^^^ logik i think is his name

Try belair yet?

or Dejardins Insurance? :wink:

TD is great for young drivers

I switched my house and auto insurance to TD Meloche Monnex and will save $1000/year!

Thanks guys for you help. BTW the one I’m mentioning is TD…yes they have great rates.
Hopefully I can call back an tellem that it’s stock. I will remove the exhaust…:(.
The Quebec post box seems like alot of work, lol. thx tho. Yep Belair and Desjardins were included in my 10+ quotes, higher premium than TD.

Question: When they start your policy and set up a date for the inspection, how long from you policy start date is it? Thanks!

wow…Bel-Air and Dejardins higher than TD bro? the tables have turned! haha cuz last time I checked TD was more!

i got the same thing, last time i had to deal with this stuff was in early january, and belair was much better than TD or any other company

but next time you should just lie and take the shit off before you get it inspected…thats the way to go

30 days from the date your insurance is started on the car (thats what they just gave me and im with TD)

try this place
They are usually cheap.
You must go through a broker though… so find some on their list and start calling them…

insurance companies are legitimate theives… if you got a cheap, LEGIT way to get insurance, then do so. ITell everyone cause it’ll probably help the economy, lol.

“I joke I joke”

^^ seriously though…if you find cheap ways to get coverage, SPREAD THE WORD!