If your name is on the ownership YOU OWN THE FUCKING CAR YOU TOOL.
It doesn’t matter if you’re driver under your parents. The ONLY WAY the could do that is if the car is registered under there name. I have had to do this for insurance reasons before and legally my dad owened the car. IT WAS REGISTERED UNDER HIS NAME.
If it is registered under YOUR name they cannot. Therefore you suck at life.
If your name is on the ownership YOU OWN THE freaking CAR YOU TOOL.
It doesn’t matter if you’re driver under your parents. The ONLY WAY the could do that is if the car is registered under there name. I have had to do this for insurance reasons before and legally my dad owened the car. IT WAS REGISTERED UNDER HIS NAME.
If it is registered under YOUR name they cannot. Therefore you suck at life.[/quote]
Okay well the 1st driver is always the registered owner of the vechicle legally, no ifs ands or buts and i dont how this became an issue, it was initially a joke but it seems to have offended some ppl. Oh and yes i know that you do it for cheaper insurance rates, clearly i see no other point in doing it. So for all the second drivers out there, I dont give a fuck what driver you are, i just really dont care lol.
sure u can call the cops sayin ur cars stolen when ur kids driving it past his curfiew. Id asume the primary driver/owner would have to BS the cops when they catch him and say he thought his son left for florida earlyer that day and thought the car was stolen? Im sure the kid would make it home before the cops find him anyways. What if the cops see the car on your driveway??? Buy a Witness security system. has gps so u can find ur car on a computer then go to the jam ur kids crashed at. It also sends text to ur phone if ur kid goes over the speed limit that u set or if the car goes outside a certian distance of your house. No need to call the cops on ur kid. If my parents put that BS in my car id kill them.<----thats not a threat.
*****…ull never know my name.