intake manifold

Im taking off my intake manifold and I’m having serious trouble trying to get at these two screws. The screws on top of the manifold are are off, but the three below going into the engine block are pissing me off, I got the center one out but the right and left ones have horible access. I have now lost a 12mm socket, a bolt and a pair of wire cutters in my engine. :frowning: Any ideas or a speshal tool to use. I’m just kinda cheezed.


You will need to remove the fender, take the shift knob off, disconnect your volume knob on the radio, then remove the engine from the car. At this point you will need to inflate the manifold by blowint into the throttle body as hard as you can. The PSI in the manifold will slowly blow it off the motor.

sooo thats why you have so many posts…

I supose ill just have to use a hammer, but if that gets lost in the engine ima hurt someone.