So i almost have the head ripped of the cavvy...

but i cant get the damn intake manifold off. all the nuts are off their studs, but the bitch wont break loose. Any suggestions besides just moving on to bigger and bigger hammers to knock it loose? I hit it with some WD-40 and im letting it soak right now…

rubber mallet

also pbblaster > wd40

what year cav because I believe one of the years the throttle body and mani are all one piece…

Also that smae year the intake was made out of some type of weak plastic…

Sorry Intake mani was made out of some cheep plastic :slight_smile:

Originally posted by Sight N Sound
Sorry Intake mani was made out of some cheep plastic :slight_smile:
not his, his is a mid 80s i think

ok cool, I just looked up the year to withhold any flamage also and it is 95-97 2.2 that has the fucked up two peice intake mani. So if thats not yours disregard…

I’d have to agree with rubber mallet or if you don’t have one of those just use a regular hammer and put a hunk of something soft inbetween like wood when you smack it.

Originally posted by taco
put a hunk of something soft inbetween like wood when you smack it.
or your hand :smiley:

Originally posted by taco
I’d have to agree with rubber mallet or if you don’t have one of those just use a regular hammer and put a hunk of something soft inbetween like wood when you smack it.

Thats what I have been doing… no luck as of yet :frowning:

Originally posted by Darkstar
Thats what I have been doing… no luck as of yet :frowning:
If you got all the bolts, it shouldn’t be that hard to get off. Hit it harder…

recheck & make sure all bolts are out!!!:slight_smile:

screw driver to pry???

Originally posted by flyinglow57
screw driver to pry???

I was going to suggest one of the 15 unnamed uses of a a screwdriver also :smiley:

their is still a bolt in it i bet check again