Integra B18b issues.

My buddy’s brother has a 97 Integra B18b (non vtec dohc).

They replaced the head this week due to 3 burnt exhaust valves. He’s got the car all back together, verified timing, installed new plugs/wires/cap/rotor. Car cranks, will not fire. Checked the plug wires against ground, they have a yellow spark (not blue).

He didn’t have his DVM with him, but his brother just called with the readings from the coil. Primary is 1.4ohms, spec is .6-.8. Secondary is 15.2k, spec is 12.6-19.2k. ICM is getting voltage. Checked all the fuses, fusible links and relays in the system, all are fine. Fuel pressure is good, recently replaced fuel filter, no blockage on the air intake either. Pretty confident it’s a spark issue, but can’t seem to track it down. Other than the primary circuit having slightly higher resistance, does anyone have any suggestions?

Any help is much appreciated.

I would probably try some start-spray just for the hell of it to see where it sparks, then you would at least have a better idea where the problem lies.

dumb question but it’s in th correct firing order right? 1-3-4-2 then in line on the dizzy in the correct locations right?

I never understood acura, but their firing orders are all messed up, as a ford would be 1-2-3-4, but the wrong firing order could definitly cause the problem described…

What are the compression numbers? If they burnt the valves it is possible they may have burned the pistons as well.

It’s probably something stupid like they pulled the ECU fuse. :stuck_out_tongue:

plug wire order problem mayyybee… but it sounds like you know your shit.

I would re-check the firing order, some of the manuals like chiltons are wrong.

Also if the head was off make sure that the injector clips are in the right spots this is a very common over looked mistake

This picture is more clear

that has to be very helpful for him…Good Work

check the firing order, and make sure the grounds are all hooked up properly, especially the one on the thermostat housing, ground problems are known to cause more problems than any

also make sure the plugs are all in proper locations (easy to switch the map and tps as they are the same style plug)

X2 on the ground. It wont start without that ground hooked up.

Do you know any techs with equipment to test the wires/grounds etc…?

Definately check for good grounds. After installing the B18B in my crx I missed the ground behind the head. That was that ground for the ECU. Check if the CEL light comes on when the key is first inserted and turned to run. If not, it is an ECU problem.