Intercooler talk ITT with rainbow wheels (split)

unfortunately once the car is done i gotta get my boat ready for summer,

Thats what I like to hear.

pete the point being is its HIS car, HIS wheel choice which is unique and not some ccw or bbs. as u said ur car ur preference,so HIS car HIS preference

rich it dont even matter now i never once stated this crap on here till mule dick came along suggesting my car needed new kicks…



Hahah I had to look up the definition… I was like why the fuck are you saying he’s got a mule dick…

One more peep out of you and I will ass fuck you with a sledge hammer

Your wheels aren’t ti… rainbows are gay

ohhh really??? so you know what wheels i have on MY CAR better than ME???
and for the record they are ti5’s

I’ll tie you up in my basement and feed you mule dick for the rest of your life

You dont have the resources to do that


ever see the big yellow school bus station wagon at lebanon?

go tell him his wagon is slow lol

Haha yeh. The malibu IIRC. Thing boogies!

Come on dude ur talking bout a strict drag setup dude…

I will pimp smack every single one of you idiots

define strict drag racing??

These cars are on drag radials so technically they can be driven on the road… 7.6 @ 190

I still want that mid 9’s magnum so fucking bad.

Im talking a car with a full interior steet car…