Interesting swap....BMW E30 With SR20DET

Came across this while browsing:

Nissan powered BMWs…Ahh!

Yeah it’s a fairly common swap actually.

Buh, tempting me to get an E30 again. Always ideas for the “next project”. :wink:

or you can just buy and s13 for less or an s14 for a bit more, not have to pay out the ass for german parts, have better reliabiliy and less custom work, lighter and probably better balanced, plus its not a gay hibrid swap plus have a better source of parts and brauder community and a pimper car.

but i hear buyin an s13 or s14 now makes you a bandwagoner and its not cool and origional.

haha jks

dropping an E36 M3 engine is cooler…

or a mid 90’s 7 series V10 / V12… WOOT WOOT

its funny cause its true! or maybe I’m just a prejudice asshole, who’s tired of no nothing kids complimenting my ride when its a POS, or smoking likes its the last day of civilization