intersting.. didnt know it was a law

so i just got a call… my friend was pulled over for “intent to streetrace” the cop heard him reving his engine.? i didnt know reving ur car was a crime these days


Scan of ticket or :bsflag:

There is no way that’s possible to get and no one here has ever received one.

not only are cops living radar guns, now theyre clairvoyant too. precrime FTW! :bloated:

I would just tell him i had a bad alternator and was trying to keep the revs up :slight_smile:

lol :word: wtf mate.

“My idle is too low and I have to keep on the gas”

I’ve owned several cars like this. It’s a lot more interesting when the car is an automatic, and it won’t always re-start when it stalls. That makes driving interesting.

Quite a BS ticket if you ask me.

i had my TPS go out on my civic and it would rev up and down.

my tempo used to surge by itself lol

was it still in gear?

In what used to be the good ol’ USA, nearly everything is potentially illegal. Yes, there are crimes of intent. Obviously, hard to prove. But if you really think you are “innocent until proven guilty” think of the cost (time and money) defending against such a charge, retarded though it is. Used to be, in the days before the neo-cons, there were candidates you could vote for who would stand up for personal liberty (“real” conservatives who wanted to limit government power). Now, forget it. The liberals have always thought the government knows best. Now, the so-called conservatives are no better, or maybe even worse.

i dont see where it says he got a ticket?? but its still BS and a waste of time

well you can get busted with drugs. and depending on the amount, there is the intent to distribute charges.

i wish they would give tickets to the harley guys who rev at every stoplight because those piece of shit bikes that dont stay running. but then again they would get tickets for pipes as well.

a friend of mine got a similar ticket in his vette down in NC. it can happen.

yea i have heard of people getting tickets for that b4

the question is: was he revving his engine because he was going to race someone? or was he at a redlight all by himself?

Been there done that. It was my 79 ford. the cam had such a wicked idle it always stalled…partly due to the bad tune on the 750. Either way I had to keep the rev’s up. a 400 with headers and straight pipes make alot of noise. Cop said he could give me a ticket for “hotroddin” ??. I laughed, tried to explain my situation…I did end up getting a exhaust ticket though.

Well, I can understand the exh ticket. But “hotrodding”… lol

my bikes isnt a peace of shit, thanks, most of those guys are in gangs and shit, try to get people to look at them, i see people do it in there cars to rev a little to down shift

Maybe not but it probably sounds like one.

Anyway, I still don’t buy this without a scan of the ticket.

he didnt say a ticket was issued. not saying one wasnt. but yea…