Interview with the Ministry of Transportation

Ok so i’ve got a meeting tommorow at 2pm with the Ministry of Transportation.
I’ve accumulated 9 demrit points on my G license and so i have to now interview for my license.
Has anyone here had this before? What should i say to them, i have an idea of what to say but some feedback would be cool. Like something thats gotten you off the hook before maybe!? please help! i cant lose my license!!!

Just tell them your lively hood depends on it. your job involves driving.

if they ask you to prove it your screwd tho.

stop getting busted?.. shoulda asked for tips sooner i guess…
just tell them to fuck off.

Just walk in and take a dump right on the Crown’s desk.


gee thanks for the help guys!! I’m sure glad i have someplace to come for advice when i need it!! god bless SON :rolleyes:

Seriously, just try and sound like an intelligent human being, don’t make excuses. If you really do rely on it for your livelihood (it doesn’t count to them if there’s public transit available and you just don’t want to take it), like if you’re a delivery driver, or your work isn’t accessible by public transit (even then they might just tell you to get a bike), maybe volunteer to take a driver’s ed course…

You don’t have to do or say anything.

This is a scare tactic to get you to behave behind the wheel.

They can’t and won’t do anything until you’ve hit 12 points.

Your insurance company, on the other hand, they are the ones you should be worried about and tell them why they should keep your rate at a level so you can still drive.

Good luck with the insurance co.
as far as the crown goes… taking a poop on the pulpit would be awesome. Ask them if they have a copy of that bill 203 or whatever it is so you can wipe with it.


i would just do the usual things:

  • dress properly
  • be polite

Honestly, I have never been in that situation, but if i was, I would most likely call one of those numbers with those lawyers that fight your tickets.

I got a ticket once and almost ended up fighting for it, but when I called one of those guys one guy provided me with a lot of info on what was going to happen and what I can try to do to benefit myself. In the end, the case was thrown and I got lucky, but still, they did help me.

Anyways, I wish you the best of luck man. If all else fails, just pray it gets thrown, worked for me.

this isnt a court date… there’s no crown

just dont be a smartass to the interviewer… keep calm and stay polite
tell them why you depend on your car, why you got the points, and what actions youll take to not get any more points

with 9 points, though, maybe you actually should stop and think about the way you drive?

(PS which office are you going to?)

I had to go to one of those a while ago.

The bitch that interviewed me asked me why I need to drive. I told her that I had to go to school and work every day. And they were on oposite sides of the city, each 30+ KM from my house in opposite directions.

She then said to give her a reason not to take myy license. I can’t remember what I said, but basically you need to kiss some serious ass and promise to be good in the future.

Did you end up eating her out?

so ive just got back from the interview! it wasnt more than 5 minutes! it was in Oakville, the guy made me do an eye test. then sat me down and asked a few questions. i had 2 tickets one for 3 points, and one for 6, total 9. so he asked how i got the points i told him the truth. he asked the usual how many kms a year do you drive, how many km to and from work, blah blah blah and then said that if i get one more speeding ticket in the next 12 months then i’ll lose my license for 28 days. that was it! im thinking it is just a scare tactic…! but thanks for all the comments and advice! ill be sure to never to merit a demerit again! lol!!

i cant believe u dont fight ur tickets
u shud fight everyone of ur tickets as even a ticket with no demerits point increases ur insurance rate
i got several tickets but for things like no front license plate to 49kph over the limit to reckless driving
but i always fight them, wat u hope for is the guy not to show and the case gets thrown out, and never ever pay one of those court guys
they are ripoffs, u can do that shit urself, if u want to take a lesser charge, u just have to negociate with the person that u sing in with
but yah thats wat i do and i only have two demerit points and the careless charge will be fought like crazy by myself

I really hope you’re more articulate in court than you are in your posts…

lol definately but hey im too lazy to type in real englilish

^its not a scare tactic, if you get a speeding ticket its 3 points minimum and than you’ve accumlated a total of 12 points, hence automatic suspension of 28 days,.