Hey guys, I have an upcomming meeting with the ministry of transportation regarding my demerit points. Im a G2 driver and at 6 points you gota go in for an interview. Has anyone had to go through this before? What was it like? What should I be expecting? Any info or tips would be greatly aprecieted. Thanks.
Hello there… I have had to go in for this meeting and I ended up getting a chick who was a total bitch!!! but long story short I told her my job required me to have my license and not once while I was on the job did I get either ticket giving me the points and without my license I would be fired for sure as I would no longer be able to do it.
I cant really give you any tips, just tell the truth and admit fault but also have a story maybe as to why you should be able to keep your license because the main part of the meeting is you having to tell them why you think it is you should be allowed to keep it.
Hope that helps
Yes, as Jeff stated; the main point of the meeting is to convince them that you must have a license to get to work/school etc.
I have also had to go through this and also got a woman, but she seemed nice to me. Simply state that you need to have a licence to get to school/work, and there are no other options like taking the bus (live in the boonies), you have no friends and cannot carpool, only driver in the family and you have to drive others to work/school…etc etc. If you really do not have any valid reasons just make some up that would make it look like you need to drive.
Try to be as polite as possible, lighten the mood by smiling and whatnot, but also let them know that you know it is a serious situation. Admit to your faults, and say it will not happen again - this is what they want to hear.
In my situation I believe i got off because it has been a while since my last violation and I proved to her that my “driving habbits” were improving.
Hope that halps.
Good luck.