
So I got my 7th warning on my driving record tonight around 3:30am. I know it’s on my driving record, but I remember someone telling me that after the 7th warning, I’ll get interview or something. Can anyone verify this and go into more detail as I’m not really sure of this process? Thanks…

Edit: Google sucks for this topic as well or I don’t the proper search strings…

What do you mean by warning? Did you get a ticket with Demerit points? You will have to go for an interview after you have gotten a set amount of demerit points. (don’t remeber how many). I had to go when I was a kid. I told them that I am going to school and that I have no other means of getting there if they take my license away. I told them that ever since I got the letter stating that I will lose my license I have been driving more responsible. They also asked me how offen I look at my speedo. If you have had seven wanrings and no tickets…Then I would kiss someones ass for that, becasue you are a lucky man. I don’t think a warning goes on your driving record.

Go to these links for more information checking your drving record, and points.

here we go I found some more info. I think this is what you are looking for.

Demerit Points

Many people have a belief that you LOSE points when you are charged and convicted with a traffic violation. This is a myth. The fact of the matter is that you gain points not lose them.

6 Demerit Points gets you informed about your driving record by the Ministry of Transportation.

9 Demerit Points may result in an interview to explain why your license should not be suspended. You may also be required to complete a driver re-examination which may include road tests, visions tests, and knowledge test. Failing a test will result in your license being cancelled.

IMPORTANT You must attend this interview. If you do not attend this mandatory interview your license will likely be suspended.

15 Demerit Points gets your license suspended for 30 days commencing on the date you surrender your drivers license to the Ministry of Transportation for the first suspension. You must surrender your license or it may cause a 2 year license suspension. You may surrender your license at any Driver & Vehicle License Issuing Office or Ministry of Transportation. After license suspension, the number of demerit points on your record will be reduced to seven demerit points. Any additional points at this time will likely result in an extensive interview.

Toronto Traffic Tickets is the first and only company that can guarantee full elimination of all traffic tickets. Even if you know or think you were guilty of the charge or were caught speeding on radar. A “Win” to us means full elimination of the traffic ticket so it does not appear on your drivers abstract. In fact, we are the only traffic ticket company in Toronto that encourages you to get a copy of your drivers abstract at any Ministry of Transportation in Toronto before and 4 weeks after the court date! Remember there is a large difference in reducing your traffic ticket to zero points and fully eliminating the traffic ticket. A reduction to zero points will still show up on your drivers abstract and this information is sent to all the insurance companies.

Actually, warnings goes on the record I’m sure of this because one time I got pulled over and the cop questioned about a previous warning that he saw on the database.

I did not get any tickets, he simply gave me warning.

Warning as explained by an officier before is simply that next time you get pulled over for the same reason, you will definitely get a ticket.

So it’s still a bit confusing…

its odd because when i had my civic all my bullshit tickets came out i asked for a copy of my record and it was 3 pages long :S funny thing is never had a speeding ticket lmao… but check ur points if u have more than 6 points ull get called in… go to the station and find out… its retarded how it works not to sure on it.

ok i think i know what you are talking about.

this warning is what they do when they write a “note” on your record. for example, if i was at a parking lot with a few friends and there was a call made out to that spot saying people are racing and etc, and cops come and ask you if u did or so on. You say no and they cant give you anything since they did not catch you on the act, they will jot down your info that you give and put this note on your record. next time this similiar situation happens at least once or twice more, then it will put pieces together that you were probably doing this since you have been spotted at similar incidences several times.

i believe that is what you mean by “warnings”.

not sure tho. i tried.

Hmmmm interesting… Well if you have 7 warnings, I still think you are really lucky LOL. All I get is tickets!!!

Hahaha, that’s a nice picture. What you get pulled for?

I went to the York Region Police station yesterday and tried to get a copy of my record. They said that i have to go somewhere else for that… gave me a address and everything. I’ll try to check it out today…

I was late for a wedding…120km/hr in an 80. The cop dropped it to 10 over though :smiley:

^^Hmm… interesting…

But I’m gonna try to get a copy of my record just to be safe.

Phaneom - Same thing happened to me before when i was driving my Camry. I was trying to keep up with a member on this forum and he accelerates too fast, so only way I could catch up was speeding. 110 on 70. got dropped to 10 over as well.

Classic pic. :smiley:

I’m surprised your cop friend didn’t explain this to you.

It’s the difference between a driver’s abstract and what’s known as CPEC.

CPEC is your profile.

When I was young and dumb, I was arrested for aggravated assault, resisting arrest and assaulting an officer.

I was never formally charged (long story) and was released with nothing at all on my criminal record. It’s for stuff like this that CPEC exists.

Say someone has been arrested 50 times for assaulting cops, but has never been charged or convicted.

Their criminal record would show them to be as law-abiding as anyone else.

Now, as a cop pulling him over for a broken tail light, on a deserted road, with no backup for miles, you’d have no idea he was about to beat your ass.

CPEC records any activity you have had where police have been involved.

Which is why cops usually give me a hard time when they run my id through the computer.

They can’t pull you over based on CPEC, or in any way charge you based on it, but if you’ve been given 7 warnings, they’ll all be there. The next cop that pulls you over will know you’ve been pulled over 7 times and not issued a ticket.

That just explains it a lot better. But then after hitting a certain number if CPEC, nothing happens still? No interview, no notice through mail, nothing?

Also, what’s CPEC stand for?

Oh man …

Central Profile Computer I think. Can’t really remember.

I’ll ask my brother. He’s OPP.

Damn dude… you know a lotta OPP’s dont you?

That means you can tell me where they hide so I wont be caught by their speed traps :D, beats a radar detector! :smiley: