iPhone Fags/Haters

Valid points. I agree the phones runs great and never lags, but I don’t know if this ‘addition by subtraction’ is good. Meaning, subtract true multi-task to make the phone run better. For me personally, I wouldn’t like it.

Regardless, every phone has it’s pro’s and con’s. I just don’t like people who constantly talk as if the iPhone is the ONLY good phone out there or as if Mac is the ONLY good OS out there. Those people piss me off. People who are technical and understand what they are talking about make valid points and I understand them. I used to be Pro-WebOS only…didn’t like Android’s look…and now I’m open to it.

Pro’s and con’s. The EVO sounds like EXACTLY what I want. The iPhone? Not so much. But I hope it does good so that HTC has some incentive to keep popping out some sick ass phones.

Haha. RIGHT.

Being the mobile manager at my company, I’ve had all 4 networks in my office pitching their network. Verizon spends 50% more than any other network on their expansion, maintenance, etc. Sprint was next with the figures given to me. Followed by T-Mo and then AT&T. Also, AT&T is constantly getting the worst consumer report reviews of the 4. There is only 1 spot where I get crappy service here in our area. That is in Coeymans Hollow on Gedney Hill Rd. That’s it. I travel a lot for work all over the NE and as far south as WV and VA. NEVER have issues with network or internet.

I used to have 20+ AT&T wireless aircards. I am now down to 10 and the other 11 or so are Verizon. People are reporting MUCH better results with Verizon. I’m sure if I gave the rest that aren’t on Verizon Sprint or T-Mo solutions, they’d still be happier.

Verizon = Good phone selection, great service but you pay out the wazoo for it
Sprint = Good phone selection, great network in my opinion, and plans that are much more affordable than some of the other carriers
T-Mobile = Good phone selection (HD2, etc.), similar to sprint in terms of pricing, don’t know anyone who has service from them so can’t comment on that
AT&T = Expensive, okay service, lots of dropped calls. Only benefit they have right now is the talk + data. That’s about to end.

Too each his own. Based on what their reps told me and what consumer reports…well, report…I’m inclined to say that I disagree with you. Agree to disagree. Sprint is working hard to lose the stigma that it attained a couple of years ago. I’ve had nothing but awesome dealings with them for the last 5 years. I would recommend them to anyone, anytime.