Iran really testing the US navy

LOL I have never disclosed what i did before but when a bunch of e-war fighters are going to tell me about my job i felt it would cut alot of shit. I can tell you what i do i just cant tell you anything about it is all. I coul tell you some really good stuff too but ill keep it to myself. Joe i agree with what you say but alot of stuff has to be destroyed before any ground invasion happenes. Alot of what we are workign to fix over here was from rampid fire from the tanks when they came through. Alot less rebuilding could be happening if it was approached in other ways. Please dont take what im saying wrong. I dont want anything to do with a war in iran nor do i think it would be some super fun easy walk in the park. But when it comes down to can we take their military out of power the answer is yes and it would not be hard.