Iran really testing the US navy


LOL I have never disclosed what i did before but when a bunch of e-war fighters are going to tell me about my job i felt it would cut alot of shit. I can tell you what i do i just cant tell you anything about it is all. I coul tell you some really good stuff too but ill keep it to myself. Joe i agree with what you say but alot of stuff has to be destroyed before any ground invasion happenes. Alot of what we are workign to fix over here was from rampid fire from the tanks when they came through. Alot less rebuilding could be happening if it was approached in other ways. Please dont take what im saying wrong. I dont want anything to do with a war in iran nor do i think it would be some super fun easy walk in the park. But when it comes down to can we take their military out of power the answer is yes and it would not be hard.

League of Nations 2.0

And the threat part doesn’t add up.

On this note i would like to say that my saying that we could easily take over their military power is not saying we “win” although i dont tihink it was directed towards me.

You’ve watched too many movies.

You can obtain cougarspeed’s info [deployment terms, rank, and (90%+ of the time) company, group, and assignment] in about 20 minutes by internet & phone.

Extermination FTW.
Save the infrastructure.

The UN is not a ratified police force, where as they appear to have some global authority, when they do not.

Compliance is voluntary basically.

We (the US) are still the apple of the globe as far as economy (in & out), the UN will not do anything more then slap the wrist, if that.

I think the only people who cant tell you their jobs would be like some delta force guys lol.


…other then the whole holocaust appeal of it.

and those attached to senior command posts. generally.

I haven’t known where my Uncle has been for 3 yrs. Talk to him every couple of month tho. lol.

no kidding.

This would be different because there would be no one left to complain about it for decades.
If we vaporized the middle east people would get over it pretty quickly.

zomg, that is so… republican. Makes me a little ashamed. :redface:

edit - altho this reminds me of a line from the movie Syriana.

Matt Damon tells the Oil king’s son something like “50 years ago you were killing each other over sand, and the whole world expects you to squander away this one asset and you’ll have nothing but sand in another 50yrs.”

Offtopic- But whenever you arent allowed to disclose things you are briefed and it is clear what if anything you can say about the subject. Your uncle could people still tell you his job title just not what he is currently doing or where he is. Kinda like i can say what my MOS is but ive done missions where i know i cant say where i was or what i was doing.

Ontopic- War is bad. We have many better things to spend our money on.


I think if we could get off of our oil addiction and the middle east economy went in the shitter then nobody would really care that they exist. But this is in fantasy land. You know pots of gold, unicorns, etc.

Oh I know what he does (communications), what country he is in, and he has told his wife “what” he was attached to, but cannot say who they are or what they are doing. Shes used to it tho, hes a lifer. Actually, he was retired (46 yrs old) from ~99 until ~02, they brought him back, though I dont remember the details on how. He wasn’t too happy.

once China drains the tank, that is pretty much what’ll happen.

Off topic again- Yea they have alot of snky ways to get you back in once you are out it worries me alot. Like right now im in for 4 years but it is standard that all contracts actually start at 8 years what this means is you sign up for an amount of time active(or reservist, guard, whatever) then you are pu on IRR(inactive ready reserve) where you go about you life but at any time they can just call you back. I do really like what i do but im getting out mostly because im lame and miss being around my friends and family, also because it just dosent pay me enough. Especially having an education and whatnot i want more money.

Like a national BEER fund! :tspry:

Yes, it is tragic that in our great country that some of our greatest beers are only available in particular regions. Now if only we could have a federal fund to contribute to the mass production and mass distribution of great beers such as Fat Tire then it could be readily available in every grocery store in the US. Good idea. Or it could just be like an incentive to brewers lowering overhead bringing the price down and increasing demand and supply thus resulting in more plentifull cheaper beer.