Iran really testing the US navy

The answer to foriegn problems is not always to “bomb da shit outa 'dem”

Radical muslims make up a small percentage of the entire population.

Secondly, the war in Iraq should have shown you that brute force does not resolve conflict.

quote for truth.

You cook steak on the George Foreman. That should be punishable by sodomy.

i hope you’re not implying there is any difference between canada and the US…

yeah but china loves the west… they have a several hundred billion dollar trade surplus with NA… why would you go to war with your best customer?

i would rather bomb the shit out of people and have another war in Iraq then have my fellow american killed because some psycopath wants to get 70 virgins and yea let’s look at who is winning the war in Iraq…we are!

i wouldn’t mind be drafted… i tried joining the USMC after high school and wasn’t able because my ankles were facing in when i was born so they had to break them to get them to point forward. running and i are not friends, probably can’t even be drafted because of it… i’ll just drive a tank or a humvee or something

Yeah yeah. Last night I had 3 NY strips and 3 chicken breasts out on the grill, thank you very much.

The forman was dirty…