Is everyone OK?

i really appreciate your concern.


I think my glands are swollen and I have a sore throat. I hope I’m okay…

Did anyone see the bike accident on Delaware by Forrest? I just drove past there and was a yellow bike parked, then a black bike all mangled up.

No, but I live right on Forest. I heard a couple bikes ripping around a little while ago.

Hope they’re okay… uh, uninjured.

hey, saw a few bikes out, everyone ok?

my beer got hit by a stray horseshoe today. the beer and the glass it was in are not ok.

LOL my Mom is not OK. Turning left onto a crowned road she hit a tar patch and low sided. Thankfully she was wearing my old riding jacket so her arms didn’t get skinned. Sprained a few joints, skinned knuckles, skinned knee. She’s been riding for 10 years and had yet to have a get-off. You can only cheat fate for so long. I’m glad it wasn’t worse.

Reminder: Cotton jeans don’t do shit. The purpose of leather/synthetic riding gear is to be SLIPPERY. The jacket slid nicely along the pavement. No scrapes. Cotton jeans are not slippery. They didn’t get even a hole, but she still got a nice patch of road rash on her knee through the jeans.

Also, I hope you all wear full face helmets. She still has a chin because of her full face helmet.

So now Mom’s swearing off riding. I told her to keep her bike for another year then decide. (1998 Nighthawk 750.)

So yeah, wear your gear and if you’ve never gone down know that you have to stay on your toes because fate is just around the corner…



:lol: Yeah. I’m OK with my mom not riding anymore. A 50+ year old woman can only take so many motorcycle crashes. I’m glad my Grandma decided to stop riding last summer. :rofl:


Yeah my Grandma and Grandpa Fry are down to 1 motorcycle now. They had like 3 or 4 BMW’s up until about a year or two ago. :lolham:

if she starts again have her sign up as BikerFry :tspry:

how much for mom’s bike? the wife has been bugging me

Man…elderly people behind the wheel of a car is bad enough… I couldn’t imagine an elderly person on a bike in traffic.



Not till next summer, but I’ll let you know.

Person on a gray sportbike hit a deer around 7:30 this morning on ellicott road (between benning and cole).
They had it closed down for awhile. I drove back by it on my way home from class and it was back to 1 lane. I saw the bike off in the grass, and a body’s worth of blood flowing down the driveway where paramedics were working on him… real stomach turner…
He is definitely NOT ok… :frowning:
No clue about the deer

^ I think I heard about this on the news…

yeaaa it was on the radio advising the road was closed right there…
it looked like the bike in your sig, same color and style at least. well, i could only see the bottom of it as it was on it’s side off in a yard.

I’m sure it’ll be on the news… His body quite obviously went through a mailbox post… and with the amount of blood, it’s fairly certain to be a fatality.

that deer reminds me of the one that ran across the 400 on our way back a few weeks ago in front of us… that would not have been OK

Wow… That sounds really NOT OK

OT: anyone want to go riding later today?