Is it worth it to die an old grumpy man someday, or do I find out?

if you can afford to not sell anymore after it blows up at the track, then by all means go

not saying it will, but in this case you gotta expect the worst

do it, sob stories make this forum great.

plus having another idiot to ridicule is never a bad thing

you kidding me. TAKE IT TO THE TRACK

TRACK!!! Are you going to be on street tires? If you go to the track are you actually going to go balls out?

Don’t tempt fate.



you are really indecisive

PSSSHT shit dosen’t break on street tires you are golden bro! lol

Inb4 19.2@4157MPH

Stock was 14.2ish I believe

with this setup…im wondering…

only 1 way to find out… go for it

got your turbo plugs?

hah…2 extra sets

Go to NYIRP this weekend, no questions asked! 13’s or bust!! :slight_smile:

i know of someone that sold there boat and took it for a last cruise on the niagara river. the boat ran aground after going past the line marked for no boating by the falls, they had to abandon the boat and get rescued causing the boat to now be totaled and the person not getting any money for it. if i were you i would not chance it. the money is a deff if you dont. and you wont no what can happen till it does

If you took the deposit definitely not because all you should be doing at that point is holding on to the car.

Even if you didn’t you’re still really pushing your luck.

Word…but it anyway because it is not my sold car LoL

All the cool kids are doing it.

I sincerely hope the OP runs the car… any outcome (fast, slow, break, maim) will provide alot more entertainment…