is my eclipse totalled or not??

If she wants to sell the car to someone in the future the bags have to be in the car.

^^ good info

that sucks, glad ur ok… it should be close but, if it is totalled then just take the money for another car.

aww… hope you’re ok stairs… keep us posted as to what they’re doign abotu your car- don’t let them try to eff you over because you’re a girl :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear that, hope you are o.k. Personally I would take the money and fix up as little as possible and turn it into a beater. (read all used parts, missmatched paint, sledge hammer alignment)

Frontal airbags are useless when compared to a seatbelt. However, I am a fan of side curtain bags. She can sell the car in any condition she wants, although she must disclose any accidents.

man 'tis the season for totalled cars apprently :frowning:

Wow, I thought putting somebody’s health/well-being before a car was pretty practical. Oh well.

edit: And yeah they can be pretty useless in a poorly designed car. And of course they aren’t very helpful compared to a seatbelt, but that’s not even the point. It would just be a shame to be in an accident where they could have proved helpful and not have them when the car should have been equipped as such.

legaly speaking , if your car had bags installed from the facorty, you HAVE to have them … just like seatbelts, tail lights and all that other stupid safety stuff

and airbags are so common yet so expensive because most states dont allow junkyard airbags to be used … therefor allowing the factory to charge as they please for them

if its borderline on totaled, and you want to save it, argue w/ the ins company , set a repair price then find someone on the board that does bodywork on the side cough me cough to do most of the work for cheap

if the frames not bent, your fine … but it prolly is at least someone fuxored

its 50/50 on this case…i was on the way to work when i saw her in the street

…i should have got some pics …

its definitely driveable…but the frame is a little messed up since her sunroof popped out half way when it was closed, the windshield is cracked on the opposite side of the car…and other stuff…

hopefully it can be fixed, though it will be costly…thank god you are alive and walking and that it wasnt your fault. i was so scared when i saw you in the middle of the street.

Old people really need to retake a drivers test especially since they dont pay attention to what is around them on the road…

btw…why are airbags so costly to put back into the car???

most airbags are usualy quite easy to put in and have operational … its just the parts that cost … 2 airbags and sometimes the srs control modual

and if the roof is bent, causing the sun roof to pop out of place, the car is officaily totaled

if the DOORS dont fit right anymore, officialy totaled

wow that sucks sorry to hear, glad u didnt really get hurt, and im sure everything will work out for you!!

^^^ word

Exactly what I told GSTairs yesterday when I talked to her on the phone.

Very sorry to hear about your car, but glad you are ok…

Good luck.

i am very sorry to hear this i just found out from justin. just collect a check and build a new car

Glad to hear you are fine, I know you might have liked you car but the fact is a car, is a car and is totally 100% replaceable, so don’t worry about it too much.

As far as the airbags welcome to NYS. NY will not let used (read cheap) airbags be used to repair vehicles so that is part of the reason many good vehicles get salvaged titles in NYS. Unibody damage also isn’t a big deal for a large collision shop with a laser unibody frame machine. Most cars can be pulled back into shape.

poor andrea u have been having the worst time.glad ur ok iam sorry to hear about ur car. ur cars like 98 6000 dollars for aqirbags. ur pretty much totalled. if its fixable awsome if not part it out.was it ruled the old guys fault 100% it sucks i hate old people to

glad your ok, i mean, if you got hurt, who would play with my REDACTED when i come home :gotme: :stuck_out_tongue:

was the accident your fault/no fault./… will your insurance cover it?

WOW not a good week for the ladies of NYSpeed! Glad to hear your OK. Regardless, of what the insurance says I’d fight to get it totalled, you’d probably be better off that way. If you wanna get another DSM then try and buy it off the insurance company and part it out. Keep the spares you’d think you would need and sell the rest.


Glad to hear you’re okay, but I’m gonna miss the GS-T.

AWD time?