is there a legit fucking reason I cant use cp?

Man you’re good, detective.

Nothing squeaks by you.

wtf is going on…

Nice come back, I can barely keep up with you vlad. Why don’t you change your story one more time? I’ve gone from a customer to a product to a detective in less than an hour. And to think, woke up this morning as a mechanc who occasionally posts on an internet forum.

You’re quick to turn to sarcasm.

Did Paul really get banned for being mad that someone was purposely making his browsing experience harder for no reason and when he asked administration to administrate they just blew him off?

Thats like going to a resturant not getting silverware asking for silerware and getting thrown out

That’s not why he was banned, not that it matters.

However him claiming he’s entitled to be a member on my site because he pays Time Warner and I do nothing to provide the site was humorous. :rofl

Stop defending your poor judgement.

Unban PJB. Apologize.

We will all think much higher of you than we do now. You must realize you are wrong?


Did pjb say that you and the boston bombers have something in common?

Oh you’re right, I’m a giant childish dick.

However your dilemma is, why would a giant childish dick actually listen to “logic” and other people’s needs AND apologize?

Woah. Wouldn’t make a very good dick now would he?

I don’t care how much higher you will think of a tree if it stops being a tree. That’s a tall order and wishful thinking.

For those asking why, here is a transcript starting around page 8:


I kind of feel bad for you dude

So laul got banned for defending himself when some one would just sit there constantly poke at him? Hmm


What a DICK.

I was thinking the same thing.

Vlad you ok bro?.. Your confusing as fuck right now… We’ve talked about this before if you really feel like you’re getting nothing out of this not even appreciation why not just shut the site down? serious question not trying to be a dick

What in the ever fucking fuck are you rambling about? You are the only one on “your side” of this argument. Find one person here to support what you are saying…yet we are the ones that are wrong about this.


Vlad is NOT being communistic…
