is there a legit fucking reason I cant use cp?

is this real life

wtf is going on im lost as fuck

were in the eye of a shiticane

anyone know what communism theory is knows he isn’t being a commie, communism isn’t suppose to have a ruler, and everyone is suppose to be equal…

Everyone needs to understand wrong or right, Vlad will never stop defending his side of the story. He has been this way since day one. So you can argue the point that he is wrong but it doesn’t matter what you say because I can guarantee he won’t change his decision or that his decision was not justified.

Vlad is a low pressure shit system.

Vlads a overflowing toilet.

Just unban him :slight_smile:

Sure is slow around here today.

just blow him



Honestly, you are fucking delusional. Shift is ANYTHING but a business. This site is a joke as a business, has been from day one. Granted it’s always been fun and I’ve had a lot of LOLs on here, but I’ve been steadily losing respect for you for a long while now and this just pushed me over the edge. You’re actually an ignorant FUCK. Worse even still is that you are picking on PJB, who is like the worlds nicest kid. You’re being nothing but a little bitch who can’t stand being wrong, which 99% of the time you are anyway. Know why I don’t post much? Because you just argue to argue, and it’s fucking stupid. Honestly don’t unban PJB, but since you’re going to be a cunt I don’t need to waste my time bringing traffic here or being here. Man the fuck up and apologize. And I’m sure it don’t matter, but if PJB aint welcome on your site, you aren’t welcome on mine.

Real life ban. I’ll end my last post with FUCK OFF.

That’s beautiful man.

Good for you. :tbu

All I am doing is shaking my head reading this.

Homie, your blatently ignoring responses and straight forward questions towards ya. Like Jeff asking you why pauls CP was even fucked with. Or Yetti asking why you keep this place alive.

Put it this way. Its a catch 23 situation there. Ya got caught with your peepee out, ignoring it proves guilt, and answering it proves guilt. One way however shows respect and saves some face.

Your a good dude in real life… I would never assume you are based on this event here man. No offense with that, all I am saying is reflect on yourself man. If anything you re-read makes you say “maybe i should not have done it like that”… then say it, prove it. I watch what I say now, becasue I had a few good friends tell me how much of a tool I look like on here time to time… I was healed in the dirt and didnt believe them, didnt want to… but I read back and they were right. Infact, in the mod post about this, I had 3 different messages typed out, and I closed the window saying “fuck it, I dont need him taking it the wrong way”.

And this was one of them…

If you dont want to deal with this shit any more, if ownership over the site is why the targets on your back… I have a check waiting. For real.

He’s only interested in selling to big corporations. Wants that retirement money.

I would be interested in going in with Woody to purchase. Check ready.

This will be my LAST post on this site (unless you do something drastic to make the situation right) If anyone wants to know the story with the OZ wheels that were stolen and recovered …IT’S A GLORIOUS STORY…get ahold of me.

This shit hole forum does not deserve an ounce of this happy ending.

Take this forum and FUCK OFF.
-Wayne “is that a revolver” Yarter.

it seems like this forum will be losing a lot of good, longtime members due to the owner being childish for lack of a better word. If you want to run a forum and be serious then you cannot partake in the everyday BS that goes on. if you want to have rules, you must obey them and set an excellent example for all members. but when you sit there and single out a member just for fun or whatever your reasons are and then he starts ripping into you, you can’t climb back up onto your throne and act like you did nothing wrong and ban him because he got back at you for treating him like shit. its too bad this forum will never grow to its’ full potential, because of shit like this, potential members will always view this site as a joke not as a resourceful public forum for automotive knowledge. i hope this shit gets resolved and this forum starts moving in a positive direction.

this is honestly making me really fucking sick to my stomach… i see racist comments made on this site all the fucking time some pointed at vlad some at other people… i can totally see where vlad is coming from, all the personal attacks over the YEARS, (yea some hes brought on himself by being argumentative about everything) but for the most part, i think its completely bull shit… i have alot of friends that own businesses in the car world and other business that i would love to tell them to join and advertise on here because i think members would benefit from knowing about a good place they might have not before, but the simple fact that i feel embarrassed to even mention this site over of a few bad ignorant eggs who shit this site up is gut wrenching. im sure this is one of the biggest reasons vlad lashes out as well. maybe his way of dealing with it might be wrong but all of you that are defending these assholes need to see the big picture, he sees this as a business as something he created, maybe in your eyes its small and miniscule but to him it means something and your just shitting all over it. maybe if some of you didnt bash every fucking person who joins (like jenzpony look at her tread it starts out with everyone wanting to see her tits, gtfo assholes perfect reason as to why i would ban people) i told a coworker to join on here, hes actually really good with bmws and subarus and if i could find the thread the 2nd or 3 reply to one of his posts was a fucking attack on his character and you didnt even know the guy!!! there’s only a handful of people who actually know what they are talking about on this site(about cars technically ) and thats a big reason why all of you see this as a joke because you dont contribute and when you do its only to bash people… look at the bike part of this forum barely any bullshit in there… a few knowledgeable people in there posting relevant and informative information and questions, , id like to see a thread anywhere else that dosent end up being trashed because of some internet clown…

end rant i have alot more to say but im at work

and bdskjchris i agree with you on if he wants to run and own this site he needs to stay out of the bullshit but how can you stay out of it when the mods he apoints dont do anything…? do you see anyone else really shut anyone up or post in a reply or edit anything anyone says!!! come on someone has to do something